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Local conservation officers gear up for 2017 fishing opener

The 2017 Minnesota Fishing Opener is Saturday, May 13, which includes walleye and lake trout seasons here in Cook County.


A look at the Law Enforcement Log

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, May 1, to Monday, May 8. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


U.S. Forest Service plans prescribed burns this weekend

During fishing opener, people will see and smell some smoke, possibly as far as five miles away, as the U.S.


Grand Portage Monument's new superintendent

The Grand Portage National Monument has a new Superintendent, He has a 14-year history with a National Historic Site in North Dakota.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Monument Superintendent


Rep. Ecklund: Gov. set to veto budget bills

The legislative session is winding down and it looks like the House, Senate and the Governor are in a budget standoff.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with 3A Rep. Rob Ecklund.


Lots of end-of-year activities at School District 166

Adam Nelson is the principal at ISD 166 - Cook County Schools.


Hit and run in Grand Marais

A hit and run on Tuesday, April 25 sent Cook County Law Enforcement on a search for a vehicle missing its passenger side mirror. 


Cooperation Station supporters remain optimistic for future of childcare center

During a meeting of the Cook County Commissioners on Tuesday, May 9, the County Board agreed to suspend revolving loan payments for the Cooperation Station for six months as the local childcare center


Fire departments conduct "May Day" training on West End

The Taconite Harbor public water access was the site of a live-fire burn training hosted by the Tofte, Schroeder and Lutsen Volunteer Fire Departments on Saturday, May 6.