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Sloppy start to a nice weekend

Rain, snow, sun, melt.


Tofte approves septic system for townhall

Craig Horak is a supervisor on the Tofte Township Board. The board held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 13.


Split Rock Lighthouse offers class on peregrine falcons

Jennifer Niemi, program manager at Split Rock Lighthouse, talks about a class on peregrine falcons being offered at Split Rock Lighthouse on Saturday, April 22.


Park Service discusses wolf management plan for Isle Royale

The National Park Service is considering reintroducing up to 30 wolves at Isle Royale National Park.


Funding issues could impact North Shore state parks

WTIP continues its discussion with various state and regional organizations who face budget cuts or other financial complications in 2017.


Weekend News Roundup for April 15

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. State parks may suffer budget cuts.


Bluefin shooter back in court, prepares for June trial

It has been more than 16 months since Kirk Lee Bigby was first accused of intentional second-degree murder that resulted from a shooting at Bluefin Bay in December 2015.

The first Radio Waves Music Festival logo (created by Tim Young)

Call for Artists: 10th Annual Radio Waves Music Festival Logo Design

In celebration of the 10th Annual Radio Waves Music Festival – scheduled for September 8 to 10, 2017 - WTIP  invites artists to submit designs to be considered for this year&rsqu


A look at the Law Enforcement Log

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, April 3 to Sunday, April 9. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.

Dave Seaton, owner of Hungry Jack Outfitters, with the rescued moose. Photo by Matt Schmidt

Update on moose rescued from Hungry Jack Lake

The dramatic moose rescue on Hungry Jack Lake on April 10 made headlines in media organizations across the state and beyond.