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Fishing opener is also Clean Drain Dry Day

The Governor has proclaimed May 13, the Minnesota fishing opener as Clean Drain Dry Day. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator for Cook County, Amanda Weberg.

Dennis and Winnie, summer help up the Gunflint Trail during the summer of 2014. Photo by Maggie Friedrichs

Local businesses find complications when hiring staff in 2017

As is the case with many other rural parts of the country, Cook County struggles to attract young people to live and work in the area, particularly on a seasonal basis.


Results from WTIP news survey

In March 2017, WTIP made a public request for comments on our local news coverage and the news department overall, including news-related programming.


Cook County fishing closures announced

With the Fishing Opener fast approaching on Saturday, May 13, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is implementing several fishing closures in Cook County during the beginning of the 2017 fis


Planning continues for shooting range in Cook County

For several years now a handful of residents has been working to establish a shooting range in Cook County.


Cook County Emergency Services Conference under way in Grand Marais

The Cook County Emergency Services Conference is under way in Grand Marais today. The waterfront at the boat launch at the Grand Marais Recreation Park is currently the scene of a live fire exercise.


Weekend News Roundup for April 29

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. An ice storm swept up the shore. Tourism was important to the Grand Portage National Monument.


Grand Marais wins 'best small town in Midwest' contest

On April 28, it was announced that Grand Marais was voted the winner of the “Best Midwestern Small Town” contest sponsored by 10 Best Readers’ Choice, a division of the travel arm of


Rep. Rob Ecklund on lead shot, two lines and imported minnows

The House has a bill that would prevent the DNR from issuing new rules restricting lead shot.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with District 3A Rep.


National Weather Service issues ice storm warning

The National Weather Service has announced that the Northland will see a complex weather situation tonight and Wednesday.