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Community offers Memorial Day events

Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer, but it is also a time of remembrance.


Bluefin shooter pleads guilty to murder charge

Kirk Lee Bigby says he is guilty of second-degree murder without intent.


Tempers and frustrations simmer as lawmakers wind down the session

The Minnesota Legislature had a difficult time closing out the session, and as of Thursday morning, lawmakers were waiting to resume the special session at noon.


A look at the Law Enforcement Log

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, May 8 to Monday, May 14. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


New ambulance and ambulance staffing pending at NSH

Ambulances and ambulance workers are part of the news at North Shore Health. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with hospital administrator Kimber Wraalstad.


As tourism season begins, measles could pay North Shore a visit

Even though the measles cases haven’t reached the northland, the tourism season is upon us.


Loon found dead on Grand Marais shoreline

Some North Shore visitors found an unpleasant surprise while walking on the beach of the east bay of Grand Marais on Thursday, May 18 – a dead loon. 


Superior Spring Trail Run participant dies during race

The Cook County Sheriff's Office, along with additional first responders on site, attempted unsuccessfully to revive a 41-year-old male participant of the Superior Spring Trail Race on Saturday, M


Former Commissioner Sue Hakes considers run for House of Representatives

Sue Hakes, former Cook County commissioner and mayor of Grand Marais, announced she has formed a congressional exploratory committee to determine the feasibility of running for Congress in the Eighth


Weekend News Roundup for May 20

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Ticks, measles, Great Lakes research funding and Rep.