Local News
Rep. Ecklund sums up the end of the legislative session
-Though the 2017 Legislature has ended it may not be over until it's over.
Highway engineer gives update on 2017 road projects
-Construction on Cook County Road 7 started in early June, as did work on a number of other local roadway and infrastructure projects.
Local Homeland Security officials discuss traveling border lakes
-Most visitors who enter Cook County from Canada arrive through the Grand Portage Port of Entry.
Weekend News Roundup for June 3
-Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Kirk Lee Bigby pleads guilty. A woman from Ghana dies in attempt to flee across the border.
WTIP’s Community Conversation is a North House retrospective
-In January 1997, after two years of experimenting with traditional craft classes and workshops, North House Folk School officially opened its doors on the Grand Marais Harbor.
A look at the Law Enforcement Log
Rhonda Silence-The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, May 22 to Monday, May 28. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.
Cook County residents sought for Lake Superior council
-The Governor's Council on Minnesota’s Coastal Program is made up of 15 individuals from throughout the coastal area of Carlton, Cook, Lake and St.
Local U.S. Port of Entry offers unique travel program
-Looking for an easier way to get through airport security check lines or to return home from a fishing trip on the border lakes?
Meetings set for talks on Lutsen Mountains expansion
-Lutsen Mountains is holding two open houses, one in Lutsen and one in Duluth, on June 1 to share plans on a possible expansion of the ski area.
Memorial Day tribute honors Cook County veterans
-A crowd of approximately 100 people gathered for a Memorial Day ceremony on the lawn of the Cook County Courthouse at 11 a.m. on May 29.