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Community Producers Project

WTIP invites community members to participate in it's "Community Producers Project," designed to bring a wider range of voices to the air. Participants will learn how to identify topics, record audio, and how to turn recorded material into shareable features. The time commitment is flexible and varies depending on the interests and needs of the participants. For more information email [email protected] or call 387-1070

Community Producer Resources Learn how to make great radio with tips from industry experts. (read more)

What's On:

North Shore Health - Interview with Kay Olson

WTIP Volunteer Tina Krauz covers the progress on the renovations at the North Shore Hospital and Care Center. In this installment she talks to North Shore Health board member Kay Olson.



Where Do Dreams Come From?

Linnea looks into the science of dreams, and how different cultures interpret them throughout history.



What is a dream

Ellen looks into what dreams are.



Dream Poetry

Youth Producer Nina Woerheide reads her poem about a bad dream.



Lucid Dreaming

Lucy gives us the scoop on lucid dreaming.




Youth Producer Nina Woerheide asks - what are expectations for?



Father And Son

Nina Woerheide's radio drama shares her perspective on expectations and responsibilities.



Planting and harvesting native sweet grass - the sacred hair of Mother Earth

Throughout this school year, the Cook County Invasives Team will be working with Ms. Nikki’s second and third grade class at Oshki Ogimaag Community School on a project to learn about the importance of native species in our natural environment. Invasives Team Coordinator Laurel Wilson describes the Sweet Grass project in this feature.

For more information on this, and other Cook County Invasives Team projects visit



Casey Fitchett - Sawtooth Mountain Bike Race

WTIP Community Producer Casey Fitchett volunteered at the 2015 Sawtooth Mountain Challenge Bike Race in Grand Marais. 
Here she talks to some of the people involved in the race.



Searching for 'river bugs' in the Kadunce River

Get a new perspective of the Kadunce River in this WTIP Community Producers feature. We’ll hear from Karen, Nick and Kent as they search for river bugs.

(Photo by Tim Schleicher on Flickr)

