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On-Air Programming


Marcia Hyatt
Featured on:
North Shore Weekend
Marcia Hyatt is a leadership and life coach who provides a weekly feature on WTIP's North Shore Weekend titled "The Best of Ourselves," which explores how we can be resilient and creative in these turbulent times.  Each week, the feature explores what we can do to be intentional,...
Elements logo
Featured on:
North Shore Morning
Elements is a series produced between WTIP and North House Folk School focusing on the natural materials found in our environment used in traditional Northern crafts.  Each episode takes a look at natural materials of our environment and how they're used to create basic things people need...
Anastasia Gill with Iris
Featured on:
North Shore Morning
WTIP Community Radio presents:

Sled Dogs, Cold Toes and a Gal from Texas

A new "paws cast" feature on North Shore Community Radio.
Jump on the sled with...
Boundary Waters Podcast. WTIP file photo
This podcast is all about the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. It is a place to hear stories from the people who visit this amazing outdoor playground. It is also a venue to learn more about the gear that helps adventuring in this unique setting be all the more enjoyable.
