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Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves

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Check out "Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves: Part 1"

Check out "Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves: Part 1"

Part 1 is the first program in the series, featuring Barry...

Check out Part 2!

Check out Part 2!

In part 2 we take a closer look at how we can prepare ourselves to be in community, featuring the work of Wendy...

"Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves" is a series exploring how we can strengthen our communities and organizations, by delving into the question, “How do we come together as a community around what matters most?” Host Marcia Hyatt interviews thought leaders to understand how we can strengthen our community. This series is funded in part by the Knight Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation.
Marcia Hyatt is a presenter and leadership coach.She has worked in leadership development over the past 30 years.  She is a master trainer of the Organization Workshop and a longtime colleague of Barry and Karen Oshry.Marcia is a regular leadership columnist for the Minnesota Women’s Press and creator and host of the weekly WTIP radio feature “The Best of Ourselves”.

She has authored numerous articles, chapters and books on the subject of leadership. Marcia co-founded the Center for Emerging Leadership and its Women's Leadership Community, an intentional learning community that supports women in bringing their whole selves into the world. In 2011, she published, What Have I Mythed? Stories for Reflection.

Marcia also co-owns and manages the Last Chance Sculpture Studio and Gallery and A Room of One’s Own: A Personal Retreat Center in Lutsen.
As author and educator Parker J. Palmer approaches his 80th birthday, he has numerous reflections on how to show up for our lives…how to navigate the political divide…what our democracy needs from us to move through these difficult times.

In this WTIP featured...
Some feel kindness is the antidote to hatefulness. It does knit a community together and make us all feel healthier and happier.  

In the final episode of the 2017 Bringing out the Best of Ourselves series, we asked for stories of kindness from members of our small...
»See all stories