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Becoming the Best of Ourselves

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Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves 2017 Part 4: Stories of kindness and care in our community

Some feel kindness is the antidote to hatefulness. It does knit a community together and make us all feel healthier and happier.  


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves 2017 Part 3: Not Just a Pretty Picture - the power of art to change and heal

This episode of Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves explores the power of art to heal us individually and as a community.


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves 2017 Part 2: Thriving in times of rapid change, with Jennifer Garvey Berger

This second program in the 2017 series - hosted by Marcia Hyatt - features a conversation with Dr.


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves 2017 Part 1: Living authentically, with Roxanne Howe-Murphy

This first program in the 2017 series - hosted by Marcia Hyatt - is an exploration into what it means to live deeply; to live a life of authenticity, presence and joy. Marcia interviewed Dr.


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves, Part 4: Power and Love

In Part 4 of Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves, host Marcia Hyatt explores how to integrate power and love for healthy community dialogues.


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves, Part 4: A Story of Forgiveness

In Part 4 of Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves, host Marcia Hyatt explores how to integrate power and love for healthy community dialogues.


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves, Part 4: Dr. Ginny Belden Charles

In Part 4 of Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves, host Marcia Hyatt explores how to integrate power and love for healthy community dialogues.


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves, Part 4: Adam Kahane

In Part 4 of Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves, host Marcia Hyatt explores how to integrate power and love for healthy community dialogues.


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves: Part 3

In part three of WTIP's "Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves" series, Cameron Norman and Marcia Hyatt cohost a conversation with Parker J.