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News from the health care foundation: awards and grants

County dental care program receives an award, also gets additional funding and local agencies are awarded health care funding as well.

LSProject logo by Lauryl Loberg

LSProject: 'Body farm' finds a home near Lake Superior

Lake Superior is known for many unique features, and WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs finds out about a recent, and strikingly unique, concept coming soon to the Big Lake. 


School Board votes against renewing contract for art instructor

The School District 166 school board met last week to consider the contract of first-year art instructor Priscilla Beck.


Water level in Lake Superior high in summer of 2017

Lake Superior’s water level has been a topic of conversation to start the summer here along the North Shore.


Weekend News Roundup for June 17

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Election complaint filed against new District One commissioner. Great Lakes levels are high.


EDA sells land to Spectrum Health for assisted living facility

​The Cook County/Grand Marais Economic Development Authority met on Tuesday, June 13 and in attendance was John Monacelli of Spectrum Health.


Sen. Bakk discusses Governor-Legislature stalemate

The Minnesota Legislature is suing Gov. Mark Dayton over his veto of lawmaker's funding.


North Shore Health - Wellness

WTIP Volunteer Tina Krauz covers the progress on the renovations at the North Shore Hospital and Care Center.


New commissioner takes oath of office

At the start of the Tuesday, June 13 meeting of the Cook County Commissioners, Deputy Court Administrator Kim Shepard administered the oath of office for new District 1 Commissioner Robert “Bobb


Cyclist collapses on Mount Josephine during ride

 Cook County 911 dispatch received a call Monday, June 12, regarding a cyclist who collapsed during his ascent up Mount Josephine in Grand Portage.