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Tick that triggers red meat allergy continues advance north

A rare tick that can trigger an allergy to red meat is possibly advancing into northeastern Minnesota.


One injured in single-car accident in Schroeder

The Minnesota State Patrol, Tofte-Schroeder First Responders and Cook County Sheriff’s Office deputies were paged to a rollover accident just after 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 24.


Bear reports from Alaska have some North Shore residents on high alert

Reports of two human deaths as a result of recent black bear attacks in Alaska are generating national headlines.


Weekend News Roundup for June 24

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Local election challenge, carp in the news, Rep.


Injured hiker rescued at Kadunce River

Cook County Search & Rescue and Colvill Fire Department successfully rescued an injured hiker at the Kadunce River this afternoon.


Rep. Nolan discusses his decision on running for governor, stance on copper mining

He’s not running for governor, but he did host some colleagues from the other side of the aisle for a mine tour. WTIP's Jay Andersen spoke with 8th District Rep. Rick Nolan.


ATV season off to a tragic start statewide

A decade ago there were fewer than 100,000 all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) registered in Minnesota; today that number has jumped to nearly 300,000. In recent weeks,  a number of ATV accidents ma


Former Tomteboda Resort now a busy construction site

In November 2016, the City of Grand Marais hired McGough Construction to serve as the construction manager for the city’s new public works facility.


Boundary Waters campsite left in 'sickening state'

A campsite on Tuscarora Lake inside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness was left in disarray by unruly campers.