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Art teacher position on ISD166 school board agenda

There are – or may be – changes to the art program at School District 166 next year. WTIP’s Rhonda Silence spoke with Superintendent Bill Crandall to find out more. 


MPCA: Watershed contains some of the least polluted waters

The Lake Superior-North Watershed covers more than a million acres in the Arrowhead from the Baptism River to the Canadian border.


Grand Marais Post Office to host Passport Fair

The Grand Marais Post Office is hosting a Passport Fair on Tuesday, June 13 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Missing man found at Romance Lake

The Gunflint Trail Fire Department search and rescue team and U.S. Forest Service personnel began conducting a search at about 11 p.m.


Weekend News Roundup for June 10

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days.


New commissioner faces campaign violation complaint

 Commissioner-elect Robert “Bobby” Deschampe will take the oath of office on Tuesday, June 13 to become the Cook County District 1 representative.


West End committee creates a consensus agreement for Birch Grove

After months of meeting, it is hoped that the Birch Grove Task Force Conciliation Committee has developed an agreement that the entire West End community can live with. 


Sue Hakes talks about what lies ahead in her political future

Sue Hakes has a long political history in Cook County. She recently formed an exploratory committee in case Rep. Rick Nolan chose to run for Governor rather than stay in Congress.


DNR accepting comments for timber sales in 2018

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is currently accepting public comments on possible timber sales in the State and in our area. Rhonda Silence finds out more in this interview. 


An interview with new Commissioner Robert Deschampe

Cook County Auditor Braidy Powers has announced the results of the special election for Cook County Commissioner District 1.