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Chamber is concerned about foreign worker program

The Cook County economy is dependent on tourism, and the tourist business is dependent on staffing restaurants, lodges and resorts.


A look at the Law Enforcement log

 The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, May 8 to Monday, May 14. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


Rep. Ecklund discusses the winding down of the 2017 legislative session

Legislators are stalled with the budget, the House failed to pass a bonding bill, but The Real ID issue appears solved. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with District 3A Rep.


New director named for Cook County Higher Ed

During a meeting of the Cook County Commissioners on May 16, the County Board accepted the resignation of Karen Blackburn, an employee in the Auditor’s Department.


Sen. Bakk believes there'll be compromise at the end of the legislative session

With just a few days left until the mandated end of this legislative session, budgets and bonding remain at the top of the “to do” list.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Senate M


Tick-borne virus likely to reach North Shore region

A tick-borne disease, Powassan, has been confirmed in six Minnesota counties in 2017, including as far north and east as Pine County, according to the Minnesota Department of Health.


Lake Superior-Poplar River Water District still a work in progress

In 2011, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources told Lutsen Mountains that it could not draw water from Poplar River after October 2016.


True North phone customers' long distance service restored

On Sunday afternoon, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office dispatch center was notified that long-distance phone service for True North customers was temporarily unavailable.&


Weekend News Roundup for May 13

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. John Beargrease descendent to head the Beargrease. Birch thief caught. Drug boss caught.


Public Health receives second YMCA child care complaint

Cook County Public Health & Human Services has received a child maltreatment report concerning the Cook County Community YMCA “Kids Club” drop-in child care program after a 3-year-old