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Fish are Important for Superior Health study results are released

Fish are Important for Superior Health (FISH) is a multi-year project cooperatively carried out by the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic, Grand Portage Health Service and the Minnesota Department of Health.

More than 150 people attended the event at the Seagull Community Center on May 6. All photos by John Silliman

Event at Seagull Lake provides opportunity to reflect on 2007 Ham Lake Fire

Under mostly sunny skies and nearly perfect conditions, more than 150 people gathered at the Seagull Lake Community Center at the end of the Gunflint Trail on Saturday, May 6, to reflect on the 10 yea


Cook County Emergency Services Conference -- training and honoring local responders

On April 28 – 29, Cook County held its annual Emergency Services Conference.


Business community meets with Klobuchar representative

On May 3rd about a dozen business leaders met with Ida Rukavina, a representative of Sen. Amy Klobuchar's office. A wide-ranging discussion on several topics of local concern were addressed.


Weekend News Roundup for May 6

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days.


A look at the Law Enforcement Log

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from April 24 to April 30. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


Legislative report: budget, bonding and politics as usual

As the legislative session winds down, our District 3A representative is sounding a little disappointed in the results. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Rep.


Ferry service to Isle Royale to start Saturday

The Grand Portage Isle Royale Transportation Line will once again be offering trips to Isle Royale by ferry this spring and summer.


New cook book features a variety of North Shore fish species

If you’re looking for a way to make good use of the northern pike you catch this year, a new book titled Lake Fish by Minnesota author Keane Amdahl could be the key to success.