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Lake Superior-Poplar River Water District still a work in progress

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In 2011, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources told Lutsen Mountains that it could not draw water from Poplar River after October 2016. Since then the ski hill and other property owners have been working on a pipeline to get water directly from Lake Superior. There have been many challenges in completing the approximately two-mile pipeline and last winter the ski hill was granted an extension to its DNR permit. At the end of winter 2017, Lutsen Mountains was finally able to use the waterline from the lake. 
However, another problem reared its head at the water inlet on the shore of Lake Superior. Rhonda Silence learns more in this interview with water district representative Tom Rider. 

Lake Superior-Poplar River Water District Fast Facts
Length of waterline          2 miles
Diameter of pipeline        20 inches
Depth pipeline buried      8-10 feet
Construction started        October 2013
Pumps at inlet                   Three 450 HP        
