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Cook County Sheriff's Office responds to intended suicide call, finds victim deceased

At approximately 2:15 pm Sunday, Cook County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch received a report of a suicidal male that intended to die by suicide in the woods.


St. Paul event to highlight Capitol renovation project

It’s called ‘The People’s House’ for a reason. And from Aug. 11-13, the people of Minnesota can see firsthand the updates to the State Capitol.


Weekend News Roundup for July 22

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days.


County's Public Health & Human Services director submits resignation

Just last Monday, Cook County Administrator Jeff Cadwell told WTIP that he did not know if the county’s Public Health & Human Services director, Joshua Beck, was planning to resign after a c


"The People's House" grand opening is Aug. 11, 12, 13

The renovation of the Minnesota State Capitol building is complete and there’s a big open house celebration scheduled to show off the results, August 11, 12 and 13.


LSProject: Isle Royale's Rock Harbor Lodge and Dockside Fish Market connection

This edition of the Lake Superior Project takes a look at how commercial fishing on Isle Royale, Michigan, has changed.


North Shore Health - Integrated community

WTIP Volunteer Tina Krauz covers the progress on the renovations at the North Shore Hospital and Care Center.


EDA considers signs, lot sale, at Cedar Grove Business Park

Cook County and the City of Grand Marais work together to promote economic development in our area through the Cook County/Grand Marais Economic Development Authority – the EDA.


Climate readiness study expands to focus on Cook County residents

If you live in Cook County and receive a letter this summer with a return address from the University of Minnesota, it’s not junk mail.


Weekend News Roundup for July 15

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. The highway engineer has left. The Great Lakes gets funding with a caveat.