County's Public Health & Human Services director submits resignation
Just last Monday, Cook County Administrator Jeff Cadwell told WTIP that he did not know if the county’s Public Health & Human Services director, Joshua Beck, was planning to resign after a conflict with administrators at School District 166. Today, the county’s director of public information, Valerie Marasco, issued an announcement that Beck had submitted his resignation.
The resignation follows the termination of the art instructor contract at ISD 166, a position held for just one year by Beck’s wife. The school district was within its legal rights to not renew the contract with non-tenured teacher Priscilla Beck.
After his wife received notification that her teaching contract would not be renewed, Beck took to social media to express his displeasure with the decision, as well as multiple other concerns with School District 166 administration, namely the principal and superintendent.
Joshua Beck and his wife both also spoke at the June 15 school board meeting. Priscilla Beck expressed sadness over losing her position after just one year of working to establish arts programs for kindergarten through 12th grade.
Joshua Beck read part of a statement listing concerns about school administration and frustration about how the school had handled meeting the needs of their special needs child. His comments were similar to those posted to his Facebook page.
At the close of the school board meeting, Joshua Beck spoke to several people in attendance, noting that he didn’t see how his family could stay in the community if his wife was unable to pursue her career here.
However, until Friday, July 21, there was no formal announcement that Beck might leave his county department head job.
In an interview with WTIP’s Jay Andersen on July 17, County Administrator Jeff Cadwell addressed the use of Facebook by a county department head. Cadwell said the county had discussions of appropriate use of social media and professed, “Social media is a slippery slope to gossip.”
He said the county had reinforced its policy on social media to all employees.
Cadwell also answered questions about the relationship between the school district and the county. He said the county works closely with the school on matters such as childcare and that will continue. He said he believes that ultimately the discussions will build a stronger relationship between the school and the county.
Regarding Beck’s resignation this week, Cadwell said, “We wish Josh well and thank him for his service to the county over the last year.
“We have many dedicated and talented employees and leaders in Public Health and Human Services and we have every confidence that high quality service delivery will continue in this very busy department until the director is replaced,” Cadwell added.
Public Information Director Marasco said the Board of Commissioners is expected to accept Beck’s resignation at the July 25 board meeting. Plans to fill the vacancy will begin immediately.