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Soil and Water supervisor talks farming and soil in Cook County

David Berglund is a Soil and Water supervisor, as well as a local farmer.

The eclipse from an observing site near Grand Island, Nebraska. Photo by Cook County resident Mark Hollabaugh

Solar eclipse draws crowd to Grand Marais Harbor

Though cloudy conditions made it difficult to view the solar eclipse along the North Shore on Monday, Aug.


Work on new school bus garage under way at ISD 166

There has been a flurry of activity in recent days as School District 166 prepares for the new school year.


Senator Al Franken visits the North Shore

If you happened by the Java Moose coffee shop in Grand Marais on Sunday afternoon and you thought you saw U.S. Senator Al Franken…you did!


School District 166 readies the new playground

There has been a flurry of activity in recent days as School District 166 prepares for the new school year. There are some changes on campus—inside and out.

Spanish class students from ISD 166 at Concordia Language Villages. Photo by Amy Henrikson

School District 166 prepares for new year, new language opportunities

There has been a flurry of activity in recent days as School District 166 prepares for the new school year. There are some changes on campus and WTIP’s Rhonda Silence recently took a tour.


Weekend News Roundup for August 19

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. This week the county board started budget and levy discussions and a Clean Water groups headed to St.


International workers, Thursday Conversation topic

A 2012-13 economic analysis of Cook County documented tourism as 82% of our local economy. This year 40% of the seasonal jobs servicing that economy are filled by international workers.


Solar eclipse in Cook County: Everything you need to know

Everyone in the continental United States has a chance to see some part of the solar eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21.


Grand Marais workforce housing project update

The Grand Marais workforce housing project is underway with help from One Roof Housing in Duluth.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with the deputy director of One Roof Housing, Cliff Knettel, abo