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Crystal Payment and Phil Larson discuss the project at the Reservation River. All photos by Joe Friedrichs

Restoration project on Reservation River 'a true collaborative effort'

A collaborative restoration project on the Reservation River in Cook County near Highway 61 took place in August, though the project was years in the making.


Sawtooth Mountain Clinic Fall preparations

It's been a quiet month for health care news, but things could be ramping up shortly.


North Shore Health - Amy Lacina talks about hospital construction

WTIP Volunteer Tina Krauz covers the progress on the renovations at the North Shore Hospital and Care Center. In this installment Tina talks with Amy Lacina about construction at the hospital.


Hurricane Harvey: How North Shore residents can help

Hurricane Harvey and powerful rain storms in its aftermath continue to create a tough situation in Texas and the Gulf Coast region.


Weekend News Roundup for August 26

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. The county board continued budget and levy discussions.


A special WTIP Thursday Community Conversation on setting the county budget and levy

Late last year the Cook County Commissioners' room was packed with taxpayers as the county board prepared to finalize the 2017 budget and levy. Now it’s time to do it again.


New ambulance and construction update at NSH

North Shore Health recently added a new a new ambulance.


Two vehicle crash sends multiple parties to hospital

A two-vehicle accident on the Gunflint Trail sent several people to the hospital yesterday afternoon, Aug. 23.


Senator Chuck Wiger talks education

District 43 Senator Chuck Wiger recently stopped by the WTIP studios.  WTIP's Jay Andersen spoke with Wiger about education accross the state.


Gubernatorial candidate Erin Murphy visits North Shore

Representative Erin Murphy of St. Paul was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2006 and is the former House Majority Leader.