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Moose hunt returns to northeastern Minnesota in 2017

More than 40 bull moose will likely be harvested this year during a moose hunt by three Chippewa bands in northeastern Minnesota, according to documents obtained by WTIP and officials with the Fond du


Lake Superior continues warming trend despite cooler summer in 2017

Researchers at the University of Minnesota Duluth have found that surface water temperatures in Lake Superior have consistently increased during the past three decades.


Special deer hunt permits required at Cascade River and Judge Magney state parks

Cascade River and Judge C.R. Magney state parks will again hold a special firearms deer hunt this fall during regular firearms season Nov. 4-19.


The details of herbicide application in Cook County

A number of Cook County residents contacted WTIP in late August to inquire about the spraying of herbicide near local roadways and under powerlines in the region.


North House lease request on hold

As it celebrates its 20th anniversary, the North House Folk School hopes to update its lease agreement with the City of Grand Marais.


A look at the Law Enforcement Log

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, August 21 to Sunday, August 27. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


Weekend News Roundup for September 2

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. A damaged bridge on Hwy 61 sent North Shore visitors on a long dusty detour.

Highway 61 has a different look now that one of the bridges at Taconite Harbor has been removed - Photo by Ann Possis, WTIP

Update: Highway 61 now open

Motorists travelling on Highway 61 in the area of Taconite Harbor near Schroeder will no longer encounter an emergency closure and detour.


Search and Rescue helps teens out of Kadunce River

 Cook County Search and Rescue and the Colvill and Hovland fire departments were paged to the Kadunce River in Colvill just before 5 p.m.

Poplar Lake near the entrance to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. All photos by Maggie Friedrichs

Forest Service plans for busy Labor Day weekend in the Boundary Waters

Labor Day weekend is a busy time along the North Shore and surrounding area. And among the most popular locations in the region will be the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.