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Telemedicine comes to North Shore Health

North Shore Health has formed a partnership with Avera eCAre, a Sioux Falls, South Dakota-based emergency services provider.

Wolf at Tucker Lake. Photo by Fran Smith

Wildlife organization questions DNR wolf count

Results from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ 2016-17 wolf population survey suggest Minnesota’s wolf population has increased 25 percent since the 2015-16 survey.


DNR seeks input on local trout lakes, bass management

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is seeking public input on a review of stream trout management and special stream trout regulations on Kraut, North Shady, Peanut, Squash, Thompson, Thrus


Moose killed in vehicle collision on Gunflint

The Cook County Sheriff’s Office has released details on a moose/vehicle collision on the Gunflint Trail on Friday, September 22. 


Sheriff's Office seeks tips in hit and run

 A Grand Marais man reported a hit and run to his parked vehicle at about 11 p.m. on Saturday night, September 23.


Remembering a fallen firefighter

The State of Minnesota recognizes the sacrifice of firefighters who have perished with the Fallen Firefighters Memorial at the State Capitol.


Sawtooth Mountain CEO discusses Health Center "funding cliff"

The Health Center Funding Cliff may become a reality in just days.  If that happens, the Health Center Program will incur a 70% reduction to program funding.


Minnesota wolf population likely increased by 25 percent over last year

Results from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ 2016-17 wolf population survey suggest Minnesota’s wolf population has increased 25 percent since the 2015-16 survey.


Wildlife researcher seeks support to solve mystery of brainworm transmission in moose

Scientists believe moose acquire an often deadly brainworm in Minnesota when they eat snails and slugs carrying the parasite’s larvae.