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Lake Superior Project

LSProject: Lake Superior no longer the clearest of the Great Lakes

After an impressive and lengthy run at the top, Lake Superior is no longer the clearest of the Great Lakes.


Weekend News Roundup for October 14

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. More lakes and streams are added to the impaired list, but Poplar River is off. Enbridge Energy fights back.


Mayor talks about public works, stormwater management

The Grand Marais City Council meets the second and last Wednesdays of each month. Grand Marais Mayor Jay Arrowsmith DeCoux stopped by the studio to talk about what was on the agenda.


Tofte man injured in propane explosion

An emergency call went out to Lutsen First Responders and Cook County Ambulance at 8:22 this morning. A party had been burned by a propane explosion and was being driven to the Lutsen Fire Hall.


Long night for Cook County Search and Rescue

Last Friday night, October 6, citizens in the Colvill and Hovland areas were curious about all-terrain vehicles traveling the roadways late into the night.


Meet Arrowhead Cooperative's new CEO

Joe Pandy came on board as the CEO of Arrowhead Cooperative in September. He has spent the month getting to know the staff and the region.

The Route 91 Harvest festival before the shooting took place. Photo by Ann Honer

Local resident shares details of experience during Las Vegas shooting

One Minnesota resident was killed in Las Vegas when a gunman opened fire from a hotel room above a crowded outdoor concert that took place the weekend of Oct. 1.


October is Domestic Violence Abuse Awareness Month

The month of October has special significance for the staff and volunteers at the Violence Prevention Center.


Thoughts on Indigenous Peoples' Day

October 9 has been designated Indigenous Peoples’ Day in many municipalities and counties, including Cook County.