Local News
Increased security at Tofte church following threats
Rhonda Silence-The Zoar Lutheran Church in Tofte, has received several threatening letters. The Cook County Sheriff’s Office is actively investigating due to the nature of the threats.
Grand Marais Liquor Store top in the state for sales
Rhonda Silence-The Grand Marais Municipal Liquor Store always seems to be busy. A recent report from Minnesota State Auditor Rebecca Otto bears that out.
Save the Boundary Waters Campaign regroups with new approach
Joe Friedrichs-By some accounts, October was a challenging month for the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters.
Researcher finds public support in study of brainworm transmission in moose
Joe Friedrichs-As first reported in September here on WTIP, a University of Minnesota professor is hoping to raise money to research the parasite that
Howard Hedstrom on timber tariff changes
Rhonda Silence-The U.S. Department of Commerce has said it has concluded that imports of Canadian softwood lumber are being unfairly subsidized. In a statement released Nov.
Fire destroys home in Hovland near Highway 61
-The Hovland and Colvill Fire Departments, along with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and Cook County Ambulance, responded to a structure fire at 5774 Highway 61 in Hovland overnight.
Weekend News Roundup for November 4
-Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Sea lampreys are on the increase in Lake Superior. Two-time candidate Stewart Mills decline to face Rep.
Deer rifle hunting season starts Saturday
Rhonda Silence-Half a million hunters are expected to take part in Minnesota’s firearms deer season that begins a half-hour before sunrise on Saturday, Nov. 4.
Full house for ISD 166 community engagement meeting
Rhonda Silence-About 50 people crowded into the Jane Mianowski Conference Room in the Arrowhead Center for the Arts on Wednesday, Nov. 1 for a gathering dubbed a “Community Engagement Meeting.”
Recent storms force shipping routes closer to shore
-The winter storm that came through our area Oct. 27 and 28 kicked up plenty of waves in Lake Superior, and altered many shipping routes.