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Weekend News Roundup for November 18

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Former Health and Human Services Director’s trial moved to Lake County. Sen.


Armored truck crashes in Tofte

An armored truck attempted to pass another vehicle on Highway 61 near Tofte on Friday afternoon, November 17, and ended up going off the road.


School board approves superintendent contract for 2018

The ISD 166 school board met November 16 and tackled a very long agenda.


Beck court case moved to Lake County

The criminal case involving former Cook County Health and Human Services Director Josh Beck has been moved to Lake County.


North Shore resident who identifies as transgender speaks with WTIP

Transgender Awareness Week is observed annually during the second week of November.

Grand Portage Royalty's Tiny Tot Princess Naveah lent encouragement as the flags were raised.

Community events honor our veterans

Community veterans were honored in a number of ways last week -- at a “Tribute to the Armed Forces” concert at School District 166, at special luncheons and at several ceremonies.


Schroeder woman seriously injured in Beaver Bay crash

A Schroeder woman was seriously injured when a semi crossed the centerline and hit her vehicle Thursday night.    


Weekend News Roundup for November 11

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days.


City moving ahead with stormwater management planning

The Grand Marais City Council met this week and after that meeting, WTIP’s Rhonda Silence checked in with Mayor Jay Arrowsmith DeCoux on plowing, stormwater management plans and more. 

Will Moore and Sherrie Lindskog hold the growing "chain of supporters"

Show your support for WTIP during our "Join Together" membership drive, Nov. 9-13

Our "Join Together" membership drive is in full swing and continues through noon on Monday, November 13. It's our last membership drive of the year, and our goal is $25,