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A look at the Law Enforcement Log

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, July 24 to Sunday, July 30. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


Missing Duluth couple found deceased in Brookston, Minn. area

The search for an elderly Duluth couple came to a sad conclusion this afternoon when the pair were found deceased in a remote area near Brookston.


New acting ranger takes over at Gunflint station

The Gunflint Ranger District has a new Acting Ranger. She will likely be the last temporary, because the decision on a permanent Ranger appears to be close at hand.


Weekend News Roundup for August 5

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Lake Superior water levels reach new highs. Rep. Nolan plans to run again for the 8th Congressional District.


GoFer Cabins site being redeveloped

Anyone heading east out of Grand Marais has likely noticed a lot of activity at the GoFer Cabins site.

Lake Superior waves. Photo by Joe Friedrichs.

Internal waves on Lake Superior focus of new study

A team of researchers kicked off a four-year study this summer that will focus on waves underneath the surface of Lake Superior.


Minnesota wild rice crop on target for great season

The wild rice crop this year is expected to be outstanding throughout most of Minnesota.


Purple traps in Cook County set to detect possible emerald ash borer presence

If you’re traveling in the local forests this summer and early fall in Cook County, there’s a chance you’ll notice an otherwise out-of-place purple object hanging from some area tree

Lake Superior Project

LSProject: Study focuses on potential impacts of climate change along North Shore

As possible impacts of climate change reach the North Shore, Minnesota Sea Grant opted to fund a study officially titled Building Climate Readiness on Minnesota’s North Shore.


Weekend News Roundup for July 29

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days.