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A look at the Law Enforcement Log

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The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, July 24 to Sunday, July 30. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.

If you need help from Cook County Law Enforcement, dial 9-1-1. For non-emergency calls, contact the Cook County Sheriffs Office at 218-387-3030.

July 24, 2017
8:09 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
8:23 a.m. Gunflint Trail  Traffic stop, warning given.
10:30 a.m. East Highway 61, Hovland  Traffic stop, warning given.
10:44 a.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
10:55 a.m. West Highway 61, Tofte Grass fire.
11:32 a.m. Tofte  Caller states a big black dog is walking eastbound along the walking trail. 
11:56 a.m. Law Enforcement Center Party wants to speak with deputy. 
12:07 p.m. Hedstrom Lumber Company Speeding complaints. 
12:17 p.m. Gunflint Trail Traffic stop, warning given.
12:56 p.m. Pike Lake Road, Grand Marais  Caller states a gold Chrysler Pacifica is parked in her driveway. Doesn't know who it belongs to. 
2:07 p.m. Grand Marais  Party would like an officer to go with her to the address to pick up some items.
2:15 p.m. Stonegate Rd, Hovland Main house smoke and heat alarm - party at the residence is staying at the house while owners are away. She said there is smoke in the area because she was cooking and she doesn't know how to shut it off.
2:24 p.m. Tofte  Traffic stop, warning given.
2:57 p.m. Ryden’s Border Store, Grand Portage Party wants to be contacted either by phone or in person 
2:49 p.m. Echo Woods, Hovland Parties started a pile of tree roots on fire and left. Reporting party says their yard is basically on fire. He is going back to the address to see if he can put more of it out. 
5:07 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  911 on 911 only phone - no sounds of distress or anything out of the ordinary.
5:24 p.m. Pincushion Mountain Overlook, Grand Marais 4-year-old locked herself in the restroom at the overlook.
6:12 p.m. Grand Portage  Power outage. 
7:00 p.m. West Highway 61, Tofte  Elderly male possibly having stroke.
8:45 p.m. Grand Portage  Traffic stop, warning given.
8:55 p.m. Gunflint Lodge 50-year-old female. Possible concussion, was struck by a beam from a swing set.
9:08 p.m. West Highway 61 Elderly female fell. Hit her head. Back of the resort in the porch. 
9:41 p.m. Grand Marais Party isn't feeling rational and would like to talk to deputy.
10:01 p.m. Gunflint Tavern Loud music complaint.
10:09 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party will call back. 
10:59 p.m. Grand Marais  Medical alert. Unable to make contact.
July 25
1:16 a.m. North Shore Health Power outage.
6:35 a.m. Cook County High School  Some graffiti and vandalism occured at the elementary school last night. 
8:45 a.m. Cook County courthouse Arrested Grand Marais man on Wadena County warrant.
9:14 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party would like a callback regarding Superior Hiking Trail call.
9:34 a.m. East Highway 61 Party states someone has been stealing their pallets.
9:45 a.m. Hansen Hjemsted Road, Lutsen Traffic stop, warning given.
11:35 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Cellphone found near the beach by Drury Lane Books. 
11:46 a.m. Blue Water Cafe  Pick up jail meals.
12:15 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  911 hangup. On callback stated misdial no emergency.
1:41 p.m. Lutsen  Male party needs medical help. Breathing and in and out of consciousness.
2:40 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
3:10 p.m. Eagle Ridge, Lutsen Reporting that party checked out yesterday and didn't pay the balance of the bill. 
4:35 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Caller from Wisconsin receiving messages from Garmin device. 22-year-old male with a head injury on Red Rock Lake. Party fainted while having a bloody nose and hit head.
4:59 p.m. Fall River Road/West Highway 61 Caller reporting two black cows walking along Highway 61 at this location. Owner notified. 
5:08 p.m. West Highway 61 Rp would like a phone call from a deputy. 
5:46 p.m. Grand Marais  Traffic stop, citation issued.
6:33 p.m. Lodge Road, Grand Portage  Traffic stop, citation issued.
6:58 p.m. North Broadway, Grand Marais  Foot patrol in business district.
7:23 p.m. Artist Point, Grand Marais  A group of teens swearing at tourists.
9:01 p.m. Sawtooth Ridges, Grand Marais Smelling smoke between the two apartments. No signs of flames. 
9:30 p.m. West Highway 61  Red Ford Escape, driving all over the road.
10:21 p.m.  Grand Portage  Requesting medical assistance. 
July 26    
12:46 a.m. Mile Creek Road, Grand Portage Alarm coming from kitchen attic motion at the Great Hall, all secure, clear.
7:51 a.m. Birch Drive, Grand Marais Party states her big black dog ran off last night. If found, contact husband Brian. 
9:52 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued.
10:12 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Release inmate.
10:55 a.m. West Highway 61  Traffic stop, warning given.
11:00 a.m. Cook County Airport Life link iii demonstration.
11:05 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
11:15 a.m. East Highway 61 70-year-old female fell, needs medical help. 
11:24 a.m. East Highway 61, Hovland Traffic stop, warning given. 
1:32 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Civil process attempt.
1:53 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Traffic stop, warning given.
2:11 p.m. Gunflint Fire Hall 1 80-year-old male inside with a large cut on his leg.
2:24 p.m. Grand Marais Fire Department  Multiple cars parked illegally at the Grand Marais Fire Hall. 
2:27 p.m. Gunflint Trail Traffic stop, warning given
3:17 p.m. Croftville Road, Lutsen  Caller states two cars parked in a bad location. 
3:20 p.m. Gunflint Trail/East Highway 61 Caller states a large RV parked on the east side of this location is blocking the view of oncoming cars. 
3:49 p.m. Grand Marais Party needs medical help, per Essentia Health. 
3:51 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
4:04 p.m. Grand Marais Holiday Propane tank leak at the back of Holiday.
4:19 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party would like to speak to law enforcement about a phone scam. 
5:12 p.m. Birchwood Apartments Party states his vehicle was hit in the parking lot of Birchwood Apartments.
5:38 p.m. Grand Marais  Party found an elderly female on the floor. She is diabetic, conscious and breathing.  
6:46 p.m. Grand Portage Community Center Foot patrol at softball game 
7:19 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Party got a call that a boat was out of gas on Superior and they could not contact the coast guard in grand marais 
7:29 p.m. Norwester Lodge Traffic stop, warning given.
July 27
12:16 a.m. Cook County High School, Checking on school buse..
12:49 a.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen Residence check.
12:59 a.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen Business check.
2:26 a.m. 15 North Broadway, Grand Marais  Downtown foot patrol. 
8:49 a.m. Gunflint Trail  Traffic stop, warning given.
9:28 a.m. Gunflint Trail  Traffic stop, warning given.
9:57 a.m. Gunflint Lake  Aquative Invasive Species inspection. 
10:07 a.m. Mile O Pine, Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
10:16 a.m. Wisconsin Street, Grand Marais  Driver’s license found.
10:41 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
10:49 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
11:17 a.m. US Forest Service, Highway 61 Two 911 calls. Sounded like someone walking, one was a hang-up. Coming from the maintenance shop area. Contacted personnel at the Ranger Station - they will check to make sure everyone is okay and if emergency assistance is needed, they will call back. 
11:27 a.m. Devil Track Road, Grand Marais Traffic stop, warning given.
12:17 p.m. Grand Marais  911 open line - at it either at the construction for the hospital or the construction on County Road 7. Can hear construction equipment and hammering in the background. 
12:48 p.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
1:00 p.m. Grand Portage  Subject stop. 
1:07 p.m. Bay Rd, Grand Portage Out with party.
2:30 p.m. Grand Marais  Lost backpack. 
2:47 p.m. East Highway 61 Lost wallet.
2:59 p.m. Artist Point, Grand Marais  Foot patrol.
4:45 p.m. Cook County Airport Civil process attempt.
5:18 p.m.  US Customs, Pigeon River  Two Canadians with marijuana and speed in their possession. 
5:55 p.m. East Highway 61  Party sees what she thinks is a moose out in the distance (5 or 6 miles) swimming in Lake Superior away from the shore and she is afraid it's going to drown. 
6:56 p.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen  Black Ford Explorer passed at high rate of speed heading westbound. 
7:00 p.m. Holiday Tofte  Grey s10 pickup pulled out and spun wheels at a high rate of speed and almost hit someone. Vehicle heading westbound towards Tofte 
7:02 p.m. East Highway 61 Attempt to pick up on warrant.
7:26 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
7:30 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
7:32 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
11:06 p.m. North Broadway Foot patrol downtown. 
July 28
4:59 a.m. Baraga Cross Rd, Schroeder Power outage. 
10:16 a.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
11:59 a.m. Holiday Grand Marais  Party has questions about a no contact order. 
12:05 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Party asking if someone has a valid learner's permit from Alaska, is it valid in Minnesota. Dispatch contacted a deputy who verified that the permit would be valid in Minnesota.
12:20 p.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen  Caller says a party is going to cause an accident.
2:19 p.m. Grand Portage  Working with probation.
2:55 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Changing squads. 
3:05 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Call back for deputy. 
3:14 p.m. Grand Portage Fire Department  25 yr old male with partially amputated finger.
3:45 p.m. Tofte  Female female sitting in the intersection.
3:46 p.m. Security State Bank Grand Marais  2 males on bikes, one with black hat at neon shorts on, other has a white knitted hat.
3:59 p.m. Kadunce River/East Highway 61  Dead deer - passed on to Minnesota State Patrol.
4:09 p.m. West Highway 61 Semi tire on the upper side of Highway 61 - passed on to Minnesota State Patrol for Minnesota Department of Transportation.
16:56 p.m. Sydney’s Frozen Custard, Grand Marais Two pickups with dogs in both vehicles, windows down a little but dogs appear to be uncomfortable. 
5:16 p.m. Artist Point, Grand Marais  Foot patrol downtown for music. 
6:44 p.m. Grand Portage Residence check.
7:01 p.m. Tofte  Attempt to pickup on warrant.
7:56 p.m. Aspen Lodge, Grand Marais  Strong smell of propane from behind motel building right next to this location. 
8:00 p.m. Grand Portage  Provided directions 
8:19 p.m. Grand Marais City Hall  Foot patrol.
8:29 p.m. Cook County Community Center Female needing medical help. 
8:35 p.m. Grand Marais Rec Park Reporting family issue.
8:40 p.m. Mountain Inn, Lutsen  Witness of hit and run is at this location as well as driver.
8:44 p.m. Grand Marais  Noisey white pickup went up by towers and party thinks kids maybe having a party up there. He says he can smell marijuana.
10:47 p.m. North Broadway, Grand Marais Traffic stop, warning given.
July 29
1:34 a.m. East Highway 61 Out with parties looking for campsites.
10:09 a.m. West Highway 61 Out with parties that lost room key, ran back and got it.
10:30 a.m. a.m. Lake Superior Trading Post, Grand Marais Wallet left at store.
10:38 a.m. Law Enforcement Center Book out inmate.
10:50 a.m. Devil Track Road, Grand Marais Somebody hit a dog on Devil Track Road and there's a bunch of cars backed up.
12:21 p.m. Grand Marais  Traffic stop, warning given.
12:24 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Requested deputy call back.
12:48 p.m.  East Highway 61/Gunflint Trail  Very small black dog running in the area, maybe 15-20 lbs. Was pretty scared so rp couldn't catch it. 
1:37 p.m. Grand Marais  Lost set of keys downtown, Jeep key fobs, one for door and one for ignition, a blue bottle opener and a la fitness tag.Cook County took number in case they're turned in here or reported as found.
1:40 p.m. Grand Marais State Bank Found bank card in ATM. 
3:38 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Party reporting state their mother picked up party from a friends house w/out permission.
4:33 p.m. Gunflint Trail/East Highway 61 Car with Ontario plates passed a boat on the right side heading out of Grand Marais. 
4:35 p.m. Grand Portage   Party getting harassing messages about cat. 
4:56 p.m. West Highway 61, Tofte Female with dementia missing for a half hour. 
6:04 p.m. West Highway 61, Tofte 911 hang up from this location. Cook County called back, no emergency it was a misdial. 
6:08 p.m. West Highway 61 Found Thailand wallet at this location.
6:41 p.m. Grand Marais  Child protection.
6:58 p.m. p.m. Barker Lake Rd, Lutsen  Overdue party at the Barker Lake boat access.
8:58 p.m. Artist Point, Grand Marais Found black fitbit on rocks 
July 30
12:26 a.m. Grand Marais Rec. Park  Foot patrol.
12:37 a.m.  Grand Portage Marina Foot patrol.
1:00 a.m. Grand Marais City Hall  Foot patrol.
4:21 a.m. Grand Marais  83-year-old need medical attention. 
4:54 a.m. Grand Portage  Intoxicated parties fighting. 
7:47 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued.
8:38 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
10:35 a.m. Grand Marais  51-year-old needs medical attention
10:57 a.m.  Law Enforcement Center Would like deputy to call back.
12:04 p.m. Grand Portage State Park Reporting a dog that's been tied to a vehicle outside since bout 9 a.m today. Pretty hot outside Guests concerned about the dog and someone did give it some water. 
12:53 p.m, Law Enforcement Center Call back message for deputy.
1:01 p.m. Cook County YMCA  60-year-old female needs medical help. 
2:05 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Would like to talk with law enforcement. 
2:56 p.m. Artist Point, Grand Marais Child protection.
3:22 p.m. Hovland  Tree fell on the line and now no power.
3:31 p.m. Elbow Lake Access, Grand Marais Lost 2.8 Johnson/Mercury outboard motor at this location.
3:48 p.m. Birchwood Apartments, Grand Marais  Black heist bicycle stolen.
5:34 p.m. Security State Bank, Grand Marais Blue equinox. Needing unlocked. 
5:59 p.m. Grand Portage  Found property. 
8:31 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Returned your call and will stay in cell range tomorrow. 
7:42 p.m. Grand Portage  Assist to the jail.
820:11 p.m. Cook County airport  Door is open to the building. 
8:32 p.m. Grand Marais Public Library Black lab. Possible broken leg, going up First Street.
9:51 p.m. Napa Auto Parts Grand Marais Strong propane smell near this location. 
10:13 p.m. County Road 7, Grand Marais Caller reporting a group of kids playing and yelling up the bridge at this location