Cook County fishing closures announced
With the Fishing Opener fast approaching on Saturday, May 13, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is implementing several fishing closures in Cook County during the beginning of the 2017 fishing season to protect concentrations of spawning walleye. Closures on Minnesota-Ontario waters are made in cooperation with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and affect both sides of the border.
The following closures took effect April 1:
- Sea Gull River from Sea Gull Lake through Gull Lake to Saganaga Lake, approximately 1/3 mile north of the narrows; closed through May 26.
- Saganaga Falls on the Minnesota‑Ontario border where the Granite River enters Saganaga Lake; closed through May 31.
- Maligne River (also known as Northern Light Rapids) on the Ontario side of Saganaga Lake; closed through May 31 by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
- Unnamed channel between Little Gunflint and Little North Lakes on the Minnesota‑Ontario border; closed through May 31.
- Cross River (inlet to Gunflint Lake) from the Gunflint Trail to Gunflint Lake; closed through May 26.
Closures apply to fishing only; travel is permitted through these areas. All closed areas will be posted. The closures are intended to protect concentrations of spawning walleye that may be vulnerable to overharvest.
Due to an anticipated early ice-out and earlier-than-usual completion of spawning activity, areas normally closed on the Tait River, White Pine Lake, Junco Creek and Devil Track Lake, will be open for fishing on the May 13 fishing opener.
In addition, fisheries staff from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Grand Marais area office will conduct surveys and assessments on several Cook County lakes and streams during the next few months. Staring on May 1, the DNR will place temperature monitors in about 20 streams in Cook County, and in Tait Lake.
Among the lakes being surveyed this year by the DNR are Musquash, Trout, Loft, Greenwood and Cabriou Lake near Lutsen, amongst many other local lakes.
For more information about this 2017 lake surveys, contact the DNR fisheries office in Grand Marais at (218) 387-6021