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A look at the Law Enforcement Log

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The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from Monday, May 1, to Monday, May 8. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.

If you need immediate help from Cook County Law Enforcement, dial 9-1-1. For non-emergency calls, contact the Cook County Sheriff's Office at 218-387-3030.

Monday, May 1, 2017
1:19 a.m.  North Broadway, Grand Marais Foot patrol downtown. 
1:47 a.m.  Cutoff Rd, Grand Marais Power just went off a minute ago. 
7:51 a.m.  Cook County High School Safe routes to school. 
7:55 a.m.  West 5th Street, Grand Marais  Traffic stop, warning.
10:03 a.m.  Law Enforcement Center  Permit to carry application.
10:36 a.m.  Grand Marais Leaving tonight, won't be back until next Monday, requests resident checks while gone. 
11:11 a.m.  Law Enforcement Center  Transport prisoner to court. 
12:24 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Permit to carry application. 
12:54 p.m. West Highway 61 Assist with traffic stop. 
2:32 p.m. East Highway 61 Power outage.
5:30 p.m. Grand Marais Parties fighting in house. No arrest. Argument.
6:13 p.m. Cook County YMCA  Black and white cocker spaniel. Wandering around the parking lot. 
7:44 p.m. North Shore Health  Requesting transport from the facility to Duluth 
7:44 p.m. Cook County High School Safe routes to school.
8:41 p.m. Oshki Ogimaag School, Grand Portage Student slightly out of control. 
10:02 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Bureau of Criminal Apprehension returned your earlier calls.  
11:30 p.m.  Grand Portage  Needs help with Project Lifesaver, probably needs a new battery. to check the battery 
12:23 p.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning.
2:02 p.m. Nelson Trail, Grand Marais A couple four wheelers and kids at this address. There shouldn't be anyone at the address.
3:04 p.m. Nelson Trail, Grand Marais ATVs trespassing repeatedly across private property. Suspects located and advised not to trespass.
3:05 p.m. Gunflint Trail Traffic stop - cited for speed.
7:26 p.m.  Caribou Trail, Lutsen Paper service. 
8:12 p.m. Temperance River State Park Foot patrol. 
10:03 p.m. Isak Hansen & Sons, Lutsen Vehicle hit deer.
11:10 p.m. South Broadway, Grand Marais Burglar alarm hall, door west. False.
Tuesday, May 2
7:54 a.m. Cook County High School School patrol.
9:33 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop – warn.
12:01 a.m. MN Power, Schroeder  Party will be blasting by Taconite Harbor today. 
12:14 p.m.  County Road 14, Grand Marais  One-year-old Brittany dog ran off. Answers to Tilly and is friendly.
2:46 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Received a permit to purchase application. 
4:18 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Iphone found on beach. Party called “Mom” and found out name of son. Will return.
4:32 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Received permit to carry personal data change application.
4:34 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Received permit to carry personal data change application. 
10:58 p.m. Wisconsin Street/Broadway  Foot patrol.
Wednesday, May 3
2:30 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop – warn.
5:49 a.m. Grand Marais Party reports his truck was stolen. Vehicle found, family member took it.
9:00 a.m. Grand Portage Lost iphone, black with purple case. Last seen at the Grand Portage Community Center. 
10:38 a.m. Holiday, Grand Marais Party needs a case number for a couple of missing packages of lottery tickets that allegedly were delivered to the store in December. 
11:04 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Questions about ex. Wants a call back. 
11:24 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party at St Louis County Attorney's office would like a call back.
1:54 p.m.  Mile Creek Road, Grand Portage Retrieve expired medications 
4:32 p.m. County Road 7, Grand Marais Checking on welfare of a child. 
6:35 p.m.  Grand Portage  Party arrested for assault. 
7:31 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party turned himself in 
Thursday, May 4
8:34 a.m.  Grand Marais  Caller states renters left her home and left behind some drug related items. Checked residence  -no evidence found 
9:59 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Application for permit to carry. 
12:06 p.m. West Highway 61  Older black lab walking east on Highway 61 in the middle of the highway.
1:11 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Please call back. 
1:26 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Application for permit to carry.
3:05 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Application for permit to carry.
3:49 p.m. Reservation River Rd, Grand Portage Well being check requested for Saturday and Sunday. 
3:56 p.m.  Grand Marais   92-year-old female just came home from hospital. Needs medical help.
6:54 p.m. Grand Marais  Main house and garage have power but the B&B does not. It had power earlier in the day but now it doesn't. 
Friday, May 5
4:40 a.m. Marina Road, Grand Portage Reporting a golden receiver loose at the casino campground. Black collar with phone number. Party will call number to see if owner can pick dog up.
4:43 a.m. Grand Portage  Reporting deer on the highway east of this location. Party will remove deer and parts off highway. No vehicle in area and no calls to dispatch.
6:27 a.m. County Road 7, Grand Marais 2 horses, one large and one small, loose.
8:42 a.m.  County Road 7, Grand Marais  11-year-old grandaughter fell and lost consciousness. Is now conscious.
11:46 a.m. Washout Road, Grand Marais  Power is out - left home at 8:30 and power was on, just returned home and it's out.
11:48 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop – warning.
Saturday, May 6
12:01 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Male arrested on Cook County warrant. 
12:43 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop – warning.
12:54 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Attempted protection order violation 
2:46 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Single axle trailer was stolen. Under investigation, no suspects.
3:22 p.m.  Pine Marten Way Power lines brought down by large popple tree at this address. Advised neighbors to stay away as lines are probably still active. 
3:43 p.m. Gunflint Hills Golf Course Driving complaint northbound from the golf course - silver Toyota SUV all over the road. Unable to locate.
3:48 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Lost set of keys in town today. Subaru key fob, 6-7 other misc keys.
4:45 p.m. Gunflint Trail Saw motor vehicle strike deer. 
5:58 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Abandoned 911 call. Misdial, no emergency.
6:42 p.m.  Christine Point Road, Lutsen Just got to cabin and power was scheduled to be on and it is not on. 
6:56 p.m. Eagle Mountain Son and girlfriend went hiking around 2 or 3 p.m. today. Party has not heard from them yet.
7:13 p.m. Gunflint Trail Traffic stop - cited for speed.
7:58 p.m. Cook County High School High school prom. 
8:10 p.m. Sea Villas, Lutsen 12-year-old female beagle named Elsie, wandered off about an hour ago. No tags usual coloring for dog.
8:34 p.m. Clearview General Store, Lutsen  Received a call from someone claiming to be from Western Union.
11:12 p.m. Grand Portage  White car near the white church in the middle of the road with its rear flashers on and no one is in the vehicle.
Sunday, May 7
12:19 a.m. North Shore Health Asking if a deputy can help get a patient home. 
8:17 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Transporting prisoner to Lake County for housing. Picking up prisoner in Carlton County jail and another at NERC for court appearances this week. 
10:05 a.m. Grand Marais State Bank, Tofte Well pipe behind the bank is flowing/pushing out water.
2:05 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Received an application for a permit to carry.
2:27 p.m. Super America, Grand Marais Female shop lifting beer. Suspects identified, report forwarded to county attorney for review.
2:35 p.m. Temperance State Park  Foot patrol.
3:06 p.m. Sawbill Trail, Tofte Checking out some camp sites.
3:31 p.m. County Road 7  Grand Marais  Calf out of the fence near road.
4:50 p.m. Harbor View Trail, Grand Marais  Parked vehicle with back window smashed out. 
5:55 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Requesting callback from 102 
6:24 p.m. West Highway 61, Tofte Traffic stop - cited for speed.
6:26 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Found a dog running loose at Artist Point. Brought dog to Law Enforcement Center. 
7:07 p.m. East Highway 61 A fox with an injured rear leg hanging out in his area. Party worried fox might be hazard, just wanted deputies to know. 
8:43 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Lost a wedding ring in Grand Marais Rec. Park beach. 
Monday, May 8
2:14 a.m.  Grand Marais  Party arrested for domestic assault. 
7:08 a.m.  Grand Portage  Party arrested for domestic assault.
8:06 a.m. Johnsons Heritage Post Requesting a building check.