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The Grand Marais Lions Club plans to continue hosting the Fisherman's Picnic in 2019, as well as taking part in other events.

Grand Marais Lions Club still going strong

The Grand Marais Lions Club, like so many other service organizations, is always looking for more people to be involved.

A candlelight vigil will be held October 11 to remember those lost to domestic violence and to honor survivors

Violence Prevention Center hosts candlelight vigil October 11

The Violence Prevention Center has been an important part of the community for over 30 years.

The Voyageur II entering the Duluth Harbor under the High Bridge on October 5 - Photo courtesy of Duluth HIgh Bridge Harbor Cam

Isle Royale ferry season ends with a final trip to Duluth

Another season has ended for the boats of the Grand Portage-Isle Royale Transportation Line.

Before running, the North Shore Storm goes through a vigorous warm-up routine

Great season start for North Shore Storm runners

The North Shore Storm, the combined Cook County/Two Harbors cross country running team, has had a great start to the season. 

Black ash log

Elements of Craft: Black Ash

Elements is a series is produced between WTIP North Shore Community Radio and North House Folk School to promote interest in the folk arts.

Walking School Bus - Photo courtesy of Moving Matters

The six "Es" of Safe Routes to School

Each month the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic offers infomation on a timely "Topic of the Month." This month the topic is "Safe Routes to School" and the actions taken to make Grand Mara

Believe it or not, this blue jay survived this misadventure

Hovland couple rescues trapped blue jay

Watching birds at the feeder is a pastime enjoyed by many northlanders. It is normally a relaxing activity. Not so for Sandy and John Bockovich on September 25.

Gunflint Woods, Winds, and Strings, and a Little Jazz concert

2018 Gunflint Woods, Winds, and Strings, and a Little Jazz

A special Tuesday Classics program on August 25 featured a recording of the 2018 Gunflint Woods, Winds, Strings, and a Little Jazz Concert.

Lighthouse Center for Vision Loss is reaching out to share technology that could make life easier for seniors

Lighthouse Center for Vision Loss to offer technology assistance

The Lighthouse Center for Vision Loss, sometimes known as the Lighthouse for the Blind, is coming to Grand Marais on Wednesday, September 26 to share news of adaptive technology which can be used for

Minnesota Veterans Home in Silver Bay

Trail group hosts barbecue for Minnesota Veterans Home

The Tread Lightly Off-Road group (TLOR), based in Grand Marais, is riding to Silver Bay to make a visit to the