Community Stories
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Cook County skiers competing at state
Sterling Anderson-It's been an exciting week for both of our local ski teams!
On Wednesday, Feb. 9 the North Shore Nordic Ski Team competed in Sections at Giant's Ridge.
Early Childhood Coalition celebrates child care providers
Rhonda Silence-The Cook County Early Childhood Coalition works to provide services for children from birth to six years old.
Local team heading to Special Olympics Polar Plunge--in red flannel
Rhonda Silence-For ten years now, some Cook County folks have taken part in the Law Enforcement Polar Plunge for Special Olympics, led by Bryann Bockovich of G
Checking in with Tony Hegg and family in China
Rhonda Silence-When the global coronavirus pandemic began in 2020, WTIP reached out to a former Cook County resident who was living in Shanghai, China, Tony Hegg, to see how he was faring.
After School Theater Design & Technology classes at the GM Playhouse
-Grand Marais Playhouse Director, Sue Hennessey talks with North Shore Morning host CJ Heithoff about the upcoming After School Theater Design and Technology classes starting February 15th at the ACA.
Go Dog North Shore update
-Go Dog North Shore board member and founder, Cathy Quinn talks with WTIP's CJ Heithoff about the status of the new Grand Marais Dog Park and the upcoming "Dog Days of Winter" event...
Notes from Reservation River - Nibi and Other Fellow Beings
-Writer Jess Koski shares his views on the gift of nibi (water) and how tribal treaty rights enter into the bigger conversations about land, hunting, gathering and water use in ceded territory.
Money Matters - Scott Oeth discusses the recent market volatility
-In this edition of the monthly "Money Matters" feature, Scott Oeth talks about the recent stock market volatility, possible causes and his take on what it means for investors.
Alpine team having a great season
-The Cook County/Silver Bay Alpine ski team is off to a great season. Both the boy's and girl's teams have notched wins, and top skiers Cy Oberholtzer, Ray Dressely, and Kalina Dimitrova
Paula Marie Powell: A kayak adventure with a hammerhead shark
Rhonda Silence-Since our very first broadcast, WTIP Community Radio has enjoyed interacting with the youth of our community.