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Scott Oeth-photo by Mike Patterson

Pack & Paddle - Winter Super Shelter

In this edition of "Pack & Paddle", Scott Oeth talks about the "Winter Super Shelter".  According to Scott, "A legendary Canadian survival instructor, Mors Kochanski,

cover of Tiny Yellow Room

Sounds and Sparks: Scott Zosel

Sounds and Sparks features Minnesota musicians discussing new album releases track-by-track, offering inspirations, interesting tidbits, and more about every song.

Photo by Rhonda Silence.

Community members share stories and memories of Frank Moe

There is a collective sorrow in the WTIP, Cook County, Boundary Waters and mushing communities at this time with the passing of Frank Moe of Hovland.

GFMailrun_Photo by Donald O'Brien (480x360).jpg

Trail Time - Life on the Gunflint Trail

Trail time 1-14-2022
By Marcia Roepke


Hungry Jack Lake by Dennis Chick, 2021

Traveling the Old North Shore -- What's in a Name?

Traveling the Old North Shore is a new WTIP multi-part series focusing on the history of this diverse region.

Submitted photo

Vikings look to build on first win of season

The Cook County Vikings boys basketball team won their first game of the season over the winter break.  The 43-31 victory over Mille Lacs in the Ely holiday tournament came in thrilling fash

Michelle Schroeder_Photo submitted by MS

Backpacking 101 - Small steps to big goals

Michelle Schroeder with Backpack the Trails LLC talks with North Shore Morning host Mark Abrahamson about setting smaller goals to help us reach bigger goals and longer hikes.

The Retrievers logo

The Retrievers - Keeping pets safe in winter

Amy Addy talks with North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson about keeping our pets safe in the winter cold.

Jess Koski

Notes from Reservation River--Missy-Moosey and Other Joys of Winter

Winter berry picking and the story of the Bear Berry tree, from the perspective of Grand Portage writer Jess Koski. 

Emily Ford is the first woman to hike the Ice Age Trail in winter. Submitted photo

First woman to complete Ice Age Trail in winter featured in Banff Mt Film Festival

Emily Ford was the first woman, first person of color, and only the second documented person to complete Wisconsin's Ice Age Trail in winter.  Her adventure was documented by Jesse Roesler, w