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Donna Lunke was greeted with these signs when she came home from work for the last day, Dec. 3. Submitted photo

A new chapter for insurance representative Donna Lunke

Many people don’t recall a time when Donna Lunke was not the local State Farm insurance representative. Indeed, she was the person to contact for nearly 30 years.

Bob Carter - December 9, 2021 Photo by Rhonda Silence

Bob Carter: Looking back at life as a North Shore realtor

Bob Carter bought a house on County Road 14 in 1999, working with Realtor Sue Hakes with Red Pine Realty.

SNF Update

Superior National Forest Update

Education and Interpretation Specialist, Steve Robertsen gives us the Superior National Forest Update for early December.

The Retrievers logo

The Retrievers - Keeping pets safe over the holidays

Amy Addy with The Retrievers and Missing Pets in the Northland talks with North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson about lost dog prevention and keeping our pets safe over the holid

Cook County Girl Scouts--like these girls at a past event--are once again hosting Santa's Workshop.

Local Girl Scouts hosting "Santa's Workshop"

 If anyone questions whether elves are real, they need only to look to Cook County Girl Scouts.

GunflintMailRun_Photo by NaceHageman.jpg

Gunflint Mail Run 2022 - Gearing up

The Gunflint Mail Run is on for 2022!  The iconic sled dog race is back after the 2021 race had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Race organizer, Cathy Quinn talked with North S

Scott Oeth - Photo via Facebook

Money Matters - "Endowment Effect"

In this edition of "Money Matters", Scott Oeth talks about the "Endowment Effect".

Jess Koski

Notes from Reservation River - Highways of Longing

Travel the highways and byways with Jess Koski, from Big Bend to Reservation River Road and back again.

TrailTime_Coyote_Photo by Marcia Roepke copy.jpg

Trail Time - Life on the Gunflint Trail

Trail Time
by Marcia Roepke

A Bergstrom family wedding at Thomsonite Beach - Submitted photo

The end of an era: Thomsonite Beach Inn changes hands

Lee and Scott Bergstrom have been the owners of Thomsonite Beach Inn and Suites for more than two decades.