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American Legion Post 413 at a past Veterans Day concert at the school. File photo Rhonda Silence

Messages and music for our veterans

Because it is Veterans Day, WTIP reached out to some of our community members who are veterans or who work with local veterans.

It Happens Here_small

It Happens Here--Episode 3: Other People's Rules

It Happens Here is an ongoing series that explores the history of racial inequality in the communities that live in far, northeastern Minnesota.

Split Rock Lighthouse. Photo by Jaye White

Split Rock Lighthouse - Edmund Fitzgerald Memorial Beacon Lighting

Split Rock Lighthouse Site Manager, Hayes Scriven talks with North Shore Morning host Mark Abrahamson about the Edmund Fitzgerald Memorial Beacon Lighting ceremony on Wednesday, November 10th.

Michelle Schroeder_Photo submitted by MS

Backpacking 101

Michelle Schroeder shares ideas of how to stay fit for hiking over the winter months on this edition of "Backpacking 101".

Scott Oeth - Photo via Facebook

Money Matters with Scott Oeth - "Mind the Gap"

"Money Matters" - with Scott Oeth
November 03, 2021

In this edition, Scott talks with North Shore Morning host CJ Heithoff about "Minding the Gap"

Two of the stamps bearing the art of George Morrison. Photo courtesy of U.S. Postal Service

Postal Service issuing 2022 stamps honoring the artwork of George Morrison

The U.S. Postal Service has revealed a list of new stamps to be issued in 2022.

North Shore Storm Cross Country girls team - Photo courtesy of Mary Hay

North Shore Storm runners heading to State!

The North Shore Storm is heading to State! 

Erik Redix, host of Anishinaabe Bizindamoo Makak

Anishinaabe Bizindamoo Makak Episode 4

Host Erik Redix continues his conversation with Cook County School Ojibwe Language teacher Martina Wigwas, who is from Gull Bay First Nations, Ontario.  

The World's Best Donuts crew wrapping up the season in the cold weather, Oct. 22, 2021 - Photo by Rhonda Silence

A sign of fall -- the last days of World's Best Donuts

There are many signs of the changing season—cooler temperatures, shorter daylight hours, falling leaves—and the closing of World’s Best Donuts in downtown Grand Marais.