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The VITA program offers tax filing assistance to low-income and elderly people. Photo courtesy of Cook County VITA

Assistance with tax filing available through VITA program

The tax assistance program offered by local volunteer tax preparers will once again look a bit different this year.

Winter_photo by Marcia Roepke.jpg

Trail Time - Life on the Gunflint Trail

Trail Time
January 28, 2022
By Marcia Roepke 

It Happens Here: The Roots of Racial Inequity on the North Shore

It Happens Here Ep. 4 - Asterisks

It Happens Here Ep. 4 - Asterisks. This segment looks at the history and modern implications of checking boxes and what Christina Woods calls the "gatekeeping" of our history.

Compassion and Choices is working to see end-of-life option legislation pass in Minnesota. Submitted image

Local woman continues work with Compassion & Choices

Carrie Framsted of Grand Marais is an advocate for Minnesota’s End-of-Life Option Act, introduced in February 2021.


MnDOT's Name a Snowplow Contest

Only a few days remain to join the fun of naming 8 more of MnDOT's snowplows - one for each district in the state.

Book_Photo by Daniel Wehner via Flickr.jpg

Talking Books - Gwen Danfelt

Each month, WTIP checks in with Gwen Danfelt, manager of Drury Lane Books to see what she's reading, and what's hot in the literary world.


NOAA recruiting snow reporters

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is hoping to recruit members of the community to become snowfall reporters.

Jess Koski

Notes from Reservation River -- I Can See the Mailbox from Here

Running the backroads of the Rez with Jess Koski. Plus, news about his next attempt at a 100 mile run!

Submitted photo courtesy Will Ramberg

CCHS graduate Will Ramberg on playing for the Golden Gophers

2019 Cook County High School graduate Will Ramberg joined the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers Men's Basketball team this year.  Ramberg is the all-time boys leading scorer at CCHS