Community Stories
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Sawtooth Elementary third-graders read their "I am Thankful" poems
-Just about this time every year, before Thanksgiving, 3rd-grade students at Sawtooth Mountain Elementary write poems to describe what they are thankful for. WTIP has again this year recorded the
Conversations on Health and Well Being
-While healthcare is always changing, one thing that remains the same is the dedicated, skilled and compassionate people at the heart of healthcare. Anyone who has had any interaction in healthca
Alpine team practicing for a strong season
Rhonda Silence-The Cook County High School Alpine ski team is off to a great start on the 2018-2019 season. They started with dryland training, hiking hills and building strength.
To Minnesota with Love: History of black pepper
-Christina Macgillivray's production company takes her all over the world, but her heart is firmly rooted in Minnesota, especially the North Shore.
Schroeder events kick off holiday season
Rhonda Silence-The holiday season kicked off in Cook County with the North Country Crafters Christmas Bazaar and the Cross River Heritage Center holiday gathering.
Wildwoods Wildlife Rehab Center - Tara Smith
-North Shore Morning host, Marnie McMillan talks with Tara Smith, care coordinator at Wildwoods Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Duluth, MN.
Voices of Veterans Day 2018
Rhonda Silence-Veterans Day 2018 was observed in two special ceremonies on Monday, November 12. The day started in Grand Portage, at American Legion Post 2019.
Preparations underway for 2018 Empty Bowls event
-The Empty Bowls dinner takes place at St. John’s Catholic Church in Grand Marais on Thursday, November 15.
Veterans Day observed with several events Monday
Rhonda Silence-Although Veterans Day observances are traditionally held on the 11th day of the 11th month, local ceremonies are being held on Monday, November 12.