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Library Friends facing challenges

Library Friends of Cook County was founded in 1995 to support the Grand Marais Public Library, as well as local school libraries.

The Nordic ski team has been doing dryland training until the trails are ready.  Photo by Dave Bartol.

Local team preparing for upcoming Nordic ski season

The Two Harbors/Cook County cooperative Nordic ski team starts their 2018-2019 soon, and local youth skiers have already begun some training. 


North Woods Naturalist: Ice

WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist Chel Anderson about how ice is formed on our lakes and rivers in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.


Cook County Shabbaton - Gary Latz

WTIP's North Shore Morning Host, Brian Neal talks with Gary Latz about the historic Shabbaton weekend that just concluded.

Breakfast was served by helpful Girl Scout elves

Pancakes and presents at Santa's Workshop

Saturday, December 1 was a very busy day for Cook County Girl Scouts. Nearly 100 shoppers and many other visitors came to the Cook County Community Center to enjoy the day of holiday fun.

Paula Sundet Wolf making a willow basket

Elements of Craft: Willow

Elements of Craft is a series produced between WTIP and North House Folk School to promote interest in the folk arts.

Olympian Billy Mills told students to find their dreams - Photo by Michael McHugh

School District 166 hosts Olympian Billy Mills

Olympian Billy Mills spoke to students and staff at School District 166 on November 29, sharing a message about following your dreams.


Basketball season underway for Vikings

Both the boys' and girls' Vikings basketball teams made a trip to Silver Bay to begin the season on Friday, Nov.30.

The Two Harbors Bantams won the Duluth Up North tournament on November 26

Area youth hockey team wins tournament in Duluth

The Two Harbors Bantam youth hockey team played in the Duluth Up North tournament this past weekend, November 24 and 25.

For most, Thanksgiving means time with family over a meal. Photo courtesy of Flickr

WTIP asks community about favorite Thanksgiving tradition

WTIP's Rhonda Silence took to the streets of Grand Marais to talk to people about their favorite Thanksgiving tradition, past or present.