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The 2018 North Shore Storm team had a great season - Team photo by Bruce Johnson

North Shore Storm finishes great season at State

The Cook County/Two Harbors cross country running team, North Shore Storm, followed up on their great showing at the Section 7A championship meet with a trip to the State Meet at St.

Cotton Candy was a hit at the Birch Grove Halloween Carnival on Sunday, Oct. 28

Frightfully good fun at Birch Grove Halloween Carnival

For more years than community members can remember, there has been a Halloween Carnvival at Birch Grove Community Center.

The North Shore Storm girls' team finished in second place in the Section meet

North Shore Storm teams heading to state cross country meet

The North Shore Storm, the combined Cook County/Two Harbors cross-country running team, competed at the Section 7A championship meet at the Cloquet Golf Course on Thursday, October 25. 

Anti-bullying poster contest first-place winners, Kajsa and Julia, fourth-grade anti-bullying all-stars

ISD 166 recognizes "Unity Day" with poster contest

October 24 was “Unity Day” at School District 166, students and staff were asked to recognize “Unity Day” by wearing orange.

Lobster mushroom

Elements of Craft: Foods and Foraging

Elements of Craft is a series produced between WTIP and North House Folk School to promote interest in the folk arts. This episode focuses on food and finding food in our Northern climate.

All Star Thank You Card Cover

WTIP All Stars Membership Drive--Thank You!

The WTIP All Stars Member Drive wrapped up


Talking Books - October 2018

Gwen Danfelt, manager of Drury Lane Books, joins North Shore Morning host, CJ Heithoff to "Talk Books".

Dig Pink 2018 - some of the volleyball team, parents and varsity boys who faced off in the fun event

Plenty of action at "Dig Pink 2018"

There was plenty of pink in the Pam Taylor Gym at Cook County High School on Monday, October 22. The high school volleyball hosted “Dig Pink 2018.”