WTIP All Stars Membership Drive--Thank You!
The WTIP All Stars Member Drive wrapped up at noon on Monday, October 22.
During the drive we heard from:
48 NEW members
210 Renewing members
Raising a total of $21,000.00!
We’ve also heard from 70 members who mailed in their renewals before the drive started.
And thanks also to the Hall of Fame--our 194 Sustaining Members who give monthly.
Thank you to our All Stars Silent Auction Winners--
Tara Dolder and Nick Spriggs each picked up a day-ski pass for Lutsen Mountains!
Nancy Larson was top bidder for the Bearskin/Golden Eagle Lodge ski trail pass.
Cate was the lucky winner of the Betsy Bowen print, “Pre-Cambrian Boogie.”
A guy with the initials M.B. took home the tailgate party package!
Jeanne Rysdahl was top bidder for the pair of Minnesota Wild tickets—Row 8!
And…Jaye will be proudly sporting the autographed Minnesota Wild hockey stick.
Thanks to EVERYONE for playing along with WTIP!
Those who donated auction items for the WTIP All Stars Silent Auction:
Mike Reeves Bob at Bearskin/Golden Eagle Lodge
Lutsen Mountains Buck’s Hardware
Betsy Bowen Studio
And a special thanks to:
The North Shore Winery and Sawtooth Mountain Cider House
For live Roadhouse and Small Change
And the Cook County YMCA who hosted live Pickle Ball!
We also want to thank our thoughtful and fearless leader Matthew Brown
and to WTIP engineer Jeff Nemitz, who was really put to the test during this drive.
Finally, a very big thanks to our great WTIP volunteers—both on-air and behind the scenes. You always make it great!