Frightfully good fun at Birch Grove Halloween Carnival
Rhonda Silence-
Tue, 10/30/2018 - 12:06pm
For more years than community members can remember, there has been a Halloween Carnvival at Birch Grove Community Center. This year's event, on Sunday, October 28, attendance was on par with previous years. There were plenty of super hero characters, witches, vampires, dinosaurs, princesses and more.
Volunteers hosted games ranging from a "Lucky Duck Pond" and "Fishing Hole" to golf and bean toss games. There was a nice lunch and cotton candy. There was cookie decorating and a cake walk.
And to top it all off, Chaz the Magician performed throughout the carnival.
WTIP's Rhonda Silence was on the scene and shares this report.
And visit our WTIP Facebook page for lots more pictures!