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Local youth learn about fish at Devil Track Lake. Submitted photo

Cooperation Station wraps up series focused on exploring local outdoor playgrounds

Throughout the summer of 2018, Cooperation Station Nature Playschool in Grand Maris hosted a five-part series for kids age 1-8 to learn about the outdoor playground near Lake Superior and other parts

BOW - Becoming an Outdoors Woman is being offered at Wolf Ridge Environmental Center this fall

Wolf Ridge and DNR partner to offer "Becoming an Outdoors Woman"

Whether you're trying an activity for the first time, or you consider yourself an expert, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources would like to help you gain new skills and improve your tech


Local resident competes in 'Board Across the Bay' race on Lake Superior

Beth Poliquin is the general manager of Stone Harbor Wilderness Supply in Grand Marais. She is also an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys recreating near, and on Lake Superior.

Grand Portage Rendezvous Days PowWow Arena Director Brandon Deschampe Morrison talks with young dancer, Tristan Olson

All are welcome at Grand Portage Rendezvous Days PowWow

Grand Portage is the busiest place in Cook County this weekend, with events taking place at the Grand Portage National Monument and at the Grand Portage PowWow grounds.


WTIP's Ann Possis earns 50-Over-50 honors

The 50 Over 50 list created by AARP and Pollen celebrates and recognizes Minnesotans over the age of 50 who have made significant contributions and achievements in their communities.<


Frankie Jarchow named 2018 Cook County Citizen of the Year

Each year during Fisherman’s Picnic, the Grand Marais Lions Club announces the Cook County Citizen of the Year.


Circling Lake Superior with "Four the Water"

A group of energetic kayakers pulled up in the Grand Marais harbor on August 2 -- four, to be exact. The men stopped in Grand Marais during their journey around Lake Superior.


Local baseball team advances to state tournament

The local Legion baseball team has qualified for the state tournament taking place this weekend, August 10-12 in Montevideo.  The first game for the team will be on Friday, August 10 at 12:30 p.m

Lioness Paulette Anholm on fishcake duty, 2018 - Photo by Rhonda Silence

Lioness Fishcake Dinner kicks off Fisherman's Picnic

The 2018 Fisherman's Picnic celebration kicked off with a full house at the Grand Marais Lioness Fishcake Dinner on Wednesday, August 8.