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This mother and her son traveled from Rochester to see President Trump in Duluth. All photos by Joe Friedrichs

The people you meet at a Trump rally in Minnesota

President Donald Trump visited Duluth Wednesday, June 20.

Lake Superior waves. Photo by Joe Friedrichs.

North Woods Naturalist: Spring turnover

When lakes turnover in the spring, it’s an important event for some microscopic single-cell plants.

Fiber Art by Jo Wood

"Through our Hands" exhibit open now at Johnson Heritage Post

A new exhibit at the Johnson Heritage Post in downtown Grand Marais opened on Friday, June 22 with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. The Through Our Hands V show runs through July 16.


Laura Erickson Bird Walk

WTIP Volunteer, Shawna Willis talks with renowned ornithologist, Laura Erickson about the bird walk she'll lead on Oberg Mountain as part of the Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness bird walk a

Olive-sided Flycatcher (Eric Gropp/Flickr)

North Woods Naturalist: Olive-sided Flycatchers

They’ve been dubbed the “peregrine of flycatchers.” WTIP’s Jay Andersen talks with North Woods Naturalist Chel Anderson about olive-sided flycatchers.

Some of the Stone Bridge Singers - Marcus Logan, Jon Vogel, Tanner Hendrickson, Brent Sorenson, Trevor Deschampe, Bob Vogel

Stone Bridge Singers preparing for cultural exchange at French Music Festival

The Stone Bridge Singers of Grand Portage have been offered a unique opportunity—they have been invited to take part in a music festival in France, the Musiques entre Pierres.

Kate and Jeremy Keeble

Hughie's Taco House to become Hungry Hippie Tacos

Kate and Jeremy Keeble of the Hungry Hippie Hostel recently purchased Hughie's Taco House in Grand Marais, and will be changing the name of the business accordingly, along with a few other tweaks.


Christi Belcourt Show at Thunder Bay Art Gallery

WTIP Volunteer, Gary Latz talks with Christi Belcourt about her retrospective "Uprising: The Power of Mother Earth" on North Shore Morning.

Ben Clagett, cross-country walker

Walking with purpose--across America

Colorado native Ben Clagett has seen a lot of America, up close. He has completed one cross-country walk and is now 65 days into his second.


Northern Gardening: Alpine Plants

June's edition of Northern Gardening is  ‘Alpine Plants and Other Plants for Along Lake Superior,' Hosts Joan and Diane speak with Betty Ann Addison, a well-known alpine and ro