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Long winter brings golf & ski combo opportunities to North Shore

Though it might seem like a photo or storyline straight out of the American West, visitors to and residents of Cook County were offered a unique experience during the first weekend in May: the opportu


Prom festivities held at ISD 166

Cook County High School held its Prom celebration on Saturday, May 5.  The theme of this year's prom was simple but elegant, "Gold and White"


"Kites on the Harbor" at Grand Marais waterfront

"Kites on the Harbor," a Kite Festival will be taking place in Grand Marais on Saturday, May 5.


ISD 166 students complete ATV safety training

The sixth-grade students at School District 166 weathered a drizzly morning on Monday, April 30 to complete their Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) all-terrain vehicle (ATV) safety certi


New climbing team aims to get youth outdoors

The North Shore Youth Climbing Team was started in 2017, with the goal to offer ongoing opportunities for local youth to get outside and climb under professional supervision and instruction.


North Woods Naturalist: Finally Spring

It's finally feeling like spring.  WTIP's talks with North Woods Naturalist Chel Anderson about the different ways we know it's springtime.  


Emergency Management -- changes and an award

Each year at the Cook County Emergency Services Conference, the emergency services community honors some of its members.


Honors for local emergency services community

Every year for the last 27 years, members of the local emergency services have gathered for two days of training, networking and celebrating during the Cook County Emergency Services Conference.


Celebrate 'Indie Book Shop Day' on the North Shore

Saturday, April 28, is Independent Bookstore Day, which is celebrated at shops around the country, including Drury Lane Books in down