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Northern Sky: Mar 17 - 30

Northern Sky by Deane Morrison -  March 17-30 2018


Superior National Forest Update - March 16, 2018

National Forest Update – March 15, 2018.


Conversations on Health and Well Being

Food as medicine and some of the hottest topics in rural health care, including birthing centers in remote areas of Minnesota, are the topics of a special Community Conversations program that deb


A look back at the roots of WTIP

In April, WTIP turns 20 years old. Be that as it may, this longstanding community radio station had to start somewhere. 


School District 166 offers "safety and technology" training

The switch to a block schedule at Cook County Middle and High Schools for the 2017-18 school year created opportunities for the development of new classes.  This led to the creation of "Safe


Lady and the Scamp - Cilla Walford

Travels with Sarah  -  Part One


North Shore mushers travel to Maine for a 2018 competition. Submitted photo

North Shore mushers travel to Maine

Four North Shore area mushers recently traveled to Maine to compete in a race near the Canadian border.


Greenhouses and Hoop Houses on WTIP's Northern Gardening

Are you thinking about having a  greenhouse / hoop  house for flowers or vegetables? 


St. Urho's Day Celebration - Finland, MN

The annual St. Urho's Day Celebration is this weekend, March 16th - 18th, in Finland, MN.
Honor Schauland talked with WTIP's Jana Berka about the many activities.


Cross Quetico Lakes-Ski Tour

In this interview, WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with Chris Stromberg, an interior park warden at Quetico Provincial Park, as well as a coordinator with the Heart of the Continent Partnership.