Community Stories
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Great Place Project now accepting applications
-Over the summer of 2017, most mornings and evenings Cook County Chamber Executive Director Jim Boyd could be seen pulling a cedar Langford canoe on a trailer from City Hall to a spot somewhere in the
Lutsen Trailbreakers to host Vintage Snowmobile Ride
-The Lutsen Trailbreakers Snowmobile Club is hosting their Third Annual Vintage Snowmobile Ride and Show on Saturday, February 24th, starting at Cascade Lodge.
Local Luthier: Drew Heinonen
Will Moore-Drew Heinonen has studied under several master guitar builders and now runs his own luthier business on the outskirts of Grand Marais.
"Saving Snow" Film Screening
-Staci Drouillard talks about the film "Saving Snow" that documents the economic and cultural changes to our northern winters. She also explains Cook County Local Energy Project's&n
Alpine skiers wrap up stellar season
Rhonda Silence-The Cook County Vikings Alpine Ski team wrapped up its season on Valentine’s Day when two local skiers, Reilly Wahlers and Sela Backstrom -- competed at the State Meet.
North Woods Naturalist: Constellation Orion - Part 1
-In our part of the world, the most familiar nighttime sight is the constellation Orion.
Grand Marais Playhouse preparing for Shrek
Rhonda Silence-The Grand Marais Playhouse is hosting a production meeting for community members interested in working on the set or costumes for the upcoming youth/community play, Shrek Jrm the Musical.&nbs
Anna Hamilton tackles dementia in new book
Rhonda Silence-Most community members know Anna Hamilton of Grand Marais by her involvement in the local business community. However, in her limited free time, Anna has taken a turn at writing.
Ft. William Historical Park hosts Winter Carnival
-Ft. William Historical Park is hosting the Voyageur Winter Carnival on February 17, 18 and 19.