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Great Place Project now accepting applications

Over the summer of 2017, most mornings and evenings Cook County Chamber Executive Director Jim Boyd could be seen pulling a cedar Langford canoe on a trailer from City Hall to a spot somewhere in the


Lutsen Trailbreakers to host Vintage Snowmobile Ride

The Lutsen Trailbreakers Snowmobile Club is hosting their Third Annual Vintage Snowmobile Ride and Show on Saturday, February 24th, starting at Cascade Lodge.


Northern Gardening - What seeds to plant this year


Local Luthier: Drew Heinonen

Drew Heinonen has studied under several master guitar builders and now runs his own luthier business on the outskirts of Grand Marais.


"Saving Snow" Film Screening

Staci Drouillard talks about the film "Saving Snow" that documents the economic and cultural changes to our northern winters.  She also explains Cook County Local Energy Project's&n


Alpine skiers wrap up stellar season

The Cook County Vikings Alpine Ski team wrapped up its season on Valentine’s Day when two local skiers, Reilly Wahlers and Sela Backstrom -- competed at the State Meet.


North Woods Naturalist: Constellation Orion - Part 1

In our part of the world, the most familiar nighttime sight is the constellation Orion.


Grand Marais Playhouse preparing for Shrek

The Grand Marais Playhouse is hosting a production meeting for community members interested in working on the set or costumes for the upcoming youth/community play, Shrek Jrm the Musical.&nbs


Anna Hamilton tackles dementia in new book

Most community members know Anna Hamilton of Grand Marais by her involvement in the local business community. However, in her limited free time, Anna has taken a turn at writing.


Ft. William Historical Park hosts Winter Carnival

Ft. William Historical Park is hosting the Voyageur Winter Carnival on February 17, 18 and 19.