Community Stories
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High school robotics team prepares for showcase event
-WTIP’s Sterling Anderson talks to Cook County High School's robotics team members Andy Kern and Isak Terrill about their upcoming challenge and building robots.
Wildlife rehabilitation center explains what to do with injured animals
-Wildwoods Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Care Coordinator Tara Smith speaks with WTIP Volunteer Brian Neil about the Northland's only Rehab Center for injured or displaced wildlife...
Families look forward to Father-Daughter Dance
Rhonda Silence-The annual Cook County Girl Scouts “Father-Daughter Dance” will be held Tuesday, March 13 at the Wunderbar in Grand Marais.
Master Bing returns with Qichong and more
Rhonda Silence-The many North Shore residents who enjoyed meeting Wudang Daoist meditation and martial arts Master Zhong Xue Chao when he visited the North Shore last year will be happy to hear he is returning.
Frank Moe gives CPR to dog at CopperDog Trail Race
-Hovland-based musher Frank Moe was racing in the CopperDog Trail Sled Dog Race in Michigan on March 4 when he came upon Anny Melo's team.
Great turnout for Lutsen Trailbreakers Vintage Snowmobile Ride
Rhonda Silence-The Lutsen Trailbreakers Snowmobile Club hosted the Third Annual Vintage Snowmobile Ride and Show on Saturday, February 24, starting at Cascade Lodge.
The legacy of Lloyd K. Johnson
Rhonda Silence-Many northland residents know of the good works of the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation. But they may not know just why Lloyd was so passionate about his support of the community.
Grand Portage CACHE Project: Sharing the harvest
Rhonda Silence-The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa has created the CACHE Project, which stands for “Community Agriculture through Culture, Health and Education.”
Curling is an Olympic – and local – sport
Rhonda Silence-The 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea shone a bright spotlight on curling with the U.S. men’s team claiming the gold medal.
TXT4LIFE - Meghann Levitt
-Meghann Levitt is the Northeast Minnesota TXT4LIFE Coordinator.
She talked with Julie Carlson on North Shore Morning about the TXT4LIFE program.