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Sharing the Passover tradition

Passover begins on March 30th this year, but a number of community members gathered last week to partake in a traditional Seder. About 18 people of Jewish faith came together for the celebration.


Castle Danger Brewery's White Pine Project

CJ Heithoff talks with Castle Danger Brewery's Marketing and Events Coordinator, Maddy Stewart about their White Pine Project.


Birch Grove students open "Little Free Food Shelf"

There are many “Little Free Libraries” around the country and along the North Shore. Some students at the Birch Grove Community School have taken that idea and given it a new twist.


Lady and the Scamp # 2 - Cilla Walford

Travels with Sarah - Part 2


North Shore Yetis are champion volleyball players

Unbeknownst to many North Shore community members, there is a very active youth volleyball team practicing and traveling to play. WTIP reached out to this team to find out more.


Vikings baseball squad ready for 2018 season

The 2018 spring sports season is in full swing here in Cook County.

In this sports preview, WTIP’s Sterling Anderson talks with Baseball Coach Arleigh Jorgenson.


Softball season starts for Vikings team

The 2018 spring sports season is in full swing here in Cook County.

In this sports preview, WTIP’s Sterling Anderson talks with Softball Coach Peter Lucken. 


Local runners prepare for 2018 season

The 2018 spring sports seasons are in high gear here in Cook County.

March for our Lives student organizer Sammie Garrity and her friend, Grace Ritchey

Community members gather at "March for our Lives"

 Despite bitterly cold winds blowing in Harbor Park in downtown Grand Marais on Saturday, March 24, about 130 people gathered to take part in a Cook County “March for our Lives” event


Eleanor Waha: the ultimate volunteer

If you live in or visit Cook County, it is likely that you’ve encountered Eleanor Waha somewhere. Eleanor has been volunteering in the community for decades in several places.