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Swimmers at the YMCA prepare for state. Photo by Joe Friedrichs

Local swimmers ready for state competition

A collection of swimmers on the Cook County Northerns Swim Team are headed to the state competition at the University of Minnesota on Sunday, Feb. 18.

Gaby and Werner Bahner-Wuerth.

Boundary Waters Podcast - Episode One

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is the most visited wilderness in the United States. It’s often referred to as Minnesota’s crown jewel.

Poplar Haus on the Gunflint Trail opened its restaurant doors this week

Poplar Haus opens its restaurant doors

The community has been watching the activity at the former Windigo Lodge on the Gunflint Trail.


Ski and Run Club hosts Family Ski Festival Sunday

It's time to get out on the trails. The North Shore Ski and Run Club is hosting a Family Fun Ski Day on Sunday, Feb. 18.


North Woods Naturalist: 2017-18 winter

The winter of 2017-18 so far has had some chilly temps but while the snowfall has been close the normal, the snow pack is far from it.


February is Pet Dental Health Month

Humans routinely brush their teeth and schedule cleanings for themselves, but may forget that this is something their furry family members also need.


Youth Frontiers brings high energy to ISD 166

School District 166, with help from community donors and the Northland Foundation, brings Youth Frontiers to the school for four high-energy, thought-provoking sessions each year.


Two Viking Alpine skiers statebound

The Cook County/Silver Bay Alpine ski team headed to Giant's Ridge for the Section 7A meet on Tuesday, February 6.


Students can write their way to fully outfitted BWCA trip

All aspiring authors at Cook County High School and across the country have until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Feb.


Grand Portage to host 15th Snowarama for Easter Seals

The Grand Portage Lodge and Casino has partnered with Easter Seals of Ontario for 15 years now to offer Snowarama for Easter Seals.