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Megan Mullen (far right) with her father, Scott (far left). Submitted photo

Vikings fans with Duluth ties regret leaving playoff game early

Minnesota Vikings football is serious business in the Mullen family. And so when it appeared the Vikings were heading toward another crushing playoff defeat on Jan.


Northern Gardening: White Wash and the effects of Roundup

Northern Gardening co-hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam talk with Carey Gillam, investigative journalist and author of the new book, “Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corrup


Local youths head to the State Capitol

The Minnesota State Capitol was taken over on January 4-6 by a new generation.


North Shore Title a success story

North Shore Title received the 2017 "Entrepreneur of the Year" award from the Cook County Chamber of Commerce.


Alpine Vikings do well in extreme cold temps at Hibbing Invite

The Cook County Vikings traveled to the Hibbing Invite on Thursday, January 4, one of the coldest days on the slopes. The Vikings did well despite the weather challenge. 


Grand Portage CACHE Project: learning in the garden with Andy Schmidt

The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa has created the CACHE Project, which stands for “Community Agriculture through Culture, Health and Education.”


Iowa residents travel north to help at Gunflint Mail Run

The Gunflint Mail Run Sled Dog Race starts Jan. 6 at Trail Center Restaurant and Lodge, located 30 miles up the Trail from Grand Marais.


Community conversations: Kristin DeArruda Wharton talks rural health care

In March 2017 the Bush Foundation announced a list of 24 fellowship winners who were selected based on their records of achievement and extraordinary potential to make significant contributions in the


Talking about activities at Lutsen Mountains

Lutsen Mountains began making snow in early November and there are about 60 runs open for skiing. Exteme cold or not, there are activities at Lutsen Mountains.


Update: Frigid weather cancels run, but community still invited to gather

The community is invited to the 1st Annual Walk/Run 5k “Freezin For A Reason” to honor the memory of Gunnar Anderson.