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Community conversations: Kristin DeArruda Wharton talks rural health care

In March 2017 the Bush Foundation announced a list of 24 fellowship winners who were selected based on their records of achievement and extraordinary potential to make significant contributions in their communities. Leaders were selected from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and 23 Native nations in the region.

Among the 2017 fellowship winners was Kristin DeArruda Wharton of Grand Marais.

During the past year DeArruda Wharton has done extensive work as a means to become a stronger leader for rural health and to bring awareness to the value of local health care in Cook County.

In this Community Conversation program WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs speaks with DeArruda Wharton about the Bush fellowship. The program is split into two segments, including an interview conducted by DeArruda Wharton with another Bush fellow from Minnesota, Corey Martin, who is also focusing on a unique aspect related to health care.  The other portion of the show features an update from DeArruda Wharton about the first year of her fellowship and her expectations moving forward. 
