Community Stories
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Northern Gardening - Growing mushrooms & holiday plants
-Join hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam as they talk with Minnesota mushroom growers about their business and how to grow mushrooms in your own backyard.
North Shore hockey update December 14
-Each week during hockey season, Jeff Asmussen updates us on the North Shore Storm hockey teams. The report includes scores and stats from the North Shore Storm b
Sharing a story with Grandpa Lyle
-The Grand Marais Public Library is hosting a birthday party for ‘Grandpa Lyle’ Gerard, on Saturday, Dec.16, at 12 p.m.
North Shore Storm girls hockey season underway
-The high school hockey season is just over one month old.
LSProject: Crystal Bay - How a failed mine may have preserved the North Shore
-Crystal Bay is a unique location featuring cliffs, a gravel beach, caves and a creek. It's located near Finland, Minnesota, along the North Shore of Lake Superior.
A look inside the Grand Marais Public Library
-The Grand Marais Public Library staff found out in early December that the library has once again achieved a 5-star ranking in the annual Library Journal Star Libraries standings.
Bethlehem Lutheran hosts Julefest
Rhonda Silence-The “queen of lights,” St. Lucia, visited Bethlehem Lutheran Church Saturday, Dec. 9, one of the darkest days of the year. The visit was part of the 43rd annual Julefest.
Local musician shares saxophone to save concert
-The band Space Monkey Mafia had a concert scheduled in downtown Grand Marais on Dec. 2. Prior to the show, a saxophone the group needed to play was damaged.
North Shore Storm hockey update December 7
-Each week during hockey season, Jeff Asmussen updates us on the North Shore Storm hockey teams. The report includes scores and stats from the North Shore Storm boys and girls hockey teams, as we
Community conversations: Communication between county officials and the public
-In recent months there have been concerns and frustrations expressed that the Cook County Board of Commissioners and county administrator do not respond directly to questions during public meetings.